Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weeds to the rescue

Summer in Brisbane is not the time to invest money on cut flowers. They barely last a few days. A potted flowering plant is a better option.

However I have been using the flowers 'I find' on the footpaths - thanks to the council's flowering tree programme, and just stuff in my garden.

My friend R gave me a russian tarragon plant. Smells good looks good and is useless for cooking - only the french one will do for me. It doesn't grow here so have to be content with dried.
However -
Looks great in jug in the kitchen
I follow a blog called 'Slim Paley'. Recently she travelled to Patagonia and there was a vase of flowers in one of her images like this:
I thought they were weeds
I have lots of this growing in my garden. I leave some as the flowers give colour but often I pull them out. This is how the flowers were arranged and placed on a table in a very lovely hotel.
Now seen in a different light
The following is not a weed, but in the found and discovered concept - the terrarium was found on the side of the road on my way home a couple of weeks ago.
No damage
I bought a little maiden hair fern for it.
Inexpensive delight
I have used chive flowers previously in my decor and lots of dried berries and shells. I am going to open my mind to lots more options so save money on cut flowers.
Flowers give a house a feeling of home.

1 comment:

  1. I have often used flowers of plants gone to seed, from the vegetable patch, like lettuce or coriander etc. Love the idea of the flowers standing in a bigger vase.
