Saturday, April 26, 2014

Food for Family and Friends

One of the things I enjoy most in life is cooking for Family and Friends. Even though I do cook my favourites again and again more often than not I am trying something new.
I just love trying new recipes, especially when they are a success.

Son M gave me 2 cook books for Christmas 2012 - I have so many that but can't resist reading a new one - food porn.
Old school but good
I found a couple of things in here that I wanted to try. I made the Summer desert for a family dinner and then made it again yesterday as my contribution to a regular dinner at friend D's last night. the first time I made it everyone had seconds, last night friend R had 3 helpings - a success I would say.
Has to be good with this at the start
All soaked
Ready for the top
The topping is sour cream and fresh cream
2 cups of walnuts
I also made the Greek Walnut cake a second time in 2 weeks for lunch at Palm Beach when niece L and her son visited.
Delicious with Greek yoghurt
ANZAC biscuits - tradition
Friend C bought a box full of red capsicum for $2 so I was given half. Wonderful to roast and store to add to Autumn dishes.
Wonderful smell
I am baby sitting some plants while sister J is staying at Palm Beach. I thought that I may as well incorporate them into my life while I have them.
At home by my back door

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