Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Looking forward to Autumn

This is the favourite time of the year for me. Cool evenings and warm days that do not make you melt. This morning I washed my summer bedspread for storage and aired out the winter doona and covers. It was a perfect day for this the sun was shining and the sky was a lovely.

Now I am able to light candles in the evening. It is too hot in the summer.
My latest collection
I love hunting down second hand glass containers for candles.
A great place to sit
This is Maxi's favourite spot
The Tibouchina is in flower
The Nastursians will be here soon
Since the rain the nastursians have pooped up in the side garden - I always encourage them.
More Autumn lovlies 
No these are not mine in a Brisbane City Council garden.
All volunteer items
More candles
Autumn colour
Rexi likes the Autumn sun on his old bones
I put the shells I collect from beach holidays in this bowl
There are shells from all over the world in here. Yes I smuggle them home in my toiletries.

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