Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dreaming of colder weather

We are having unseasonal warm weather this April. I am seriously over the heat. I want to be able to walk without getting hot and sticky and to eat comfort food.

I have been making lasagne lately with ricotta cheese as the topping instead of béchamel sauce. So much easier and less calories.
A family favourite

Last weekend I went to my friend C's house for dinner and took potato salad. I do mine with lightly fried bacon and red onion, then polish dill pickles and hard boiled eggs tossed through with the mayo.
I make small amounts - otherwise I eat too much of this
For a very short time the creeper on C's back deck produced these wonderful flowers.
So pretty
Last June I got the family together - not an easy exercise with crazy work schedules - for a Sunday lunch. It had to be early and filling as 3 members were going straight to work.
So inviting in the morning light
I made croque madame as well as roasted tomatoes and tiny sausages. I prepared the croque the night before and it worked wonderfully well.
Hot and crunchy
It will be time soon to start planning another family breakfast/lunch/dinner. I must start thinking of ideas. Maybe even a picnic.
A bargain buy
I rarely buy flowers, especially in the summer as they do not last. I couldn't resist these though as they were a bargain and looked so cheery.
Sunroom at night
I love sitting here in the early evening and having a glass of wine. This really is my favourite room. It is so relaxing. One side is screened but open to the elements. In the summer it is cool in the mornings and in winter it is cosy in the afternoon and early evening with the heat of the sun.
When I fist saw the tiles on the floor I was horrified - so 1970's mission brown. But of course when I really thought about how the room could be used (and lived in the house for a year) It started to come together.
Now I love them
The whole feel of the room is wonderful. With rugs, potted plants and the fish pond it is a wonderful introduction to the house.
Fish tank and plants

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Food for Family and Friends

One of the things I enjoy most in life is cooking for Family and Friends. Even though I do cook my favourites again and again more often than not I am trying something new.
I just love trying new recipes, especially when they are a success.

Son M gave me 2 cook books for Christmas 2012 - I have so many that but can't resist reading a new one - food porn.
Old school but good
I found a couple of things in here that I wanted to try. I made the Summer desert for a family dinner and then made it again yesterday as my contribution to a regular dinner at friend D's last night. the first time I made it everyone had seconds, last night friend R had 3 helpings - a success I would say.
Has to be good with this at the start
All soaked
Ready for the top
The topping is sour cream and fresh cream
2 cups of walnuts
I also made the Greek Walnut cake a second time in 2 weeks for lunch at Palm Beach when niece L and her son visited.
Delicious with Greek yoghurt
ANZAC biscuits - tradition
Friend C bought a box full of red capsicum for $2 so I was given half. Wonderful to roast and store to add to Autumn dishes.
Wonderful smell
I am baby sitting some plants while sister J is staying at Palm Beach. I thought that I may as well incorporate them into my life while I have them.
At home by my back door

Friday, April 25, 2014

Belated Easter Post

As I often do I filled up my social/commitment calendar to the limit these past 2 weeks. Crazy but I don't want to miss an opportunity to catch up with family and friends. It is better to be a bit weary than be sorry.
I made Polenta biscuits for Easter gifts - plenty of chocolate bunnies around - with golden raisins soaked in Jamaican Rum. Everyone in my very Queensland family loves rum!
I used found/vintage plates for the gifts
This hand painted plate for daughter in law C
Wrapped ready to go
I made an apple and almond cake for desert for Good Friday. We ate on the roof of Son M's apartment. So hard to get the family altogether because of work schedules - but we did it.
This was delicious served with Greek yoghurt
I found this 'apple plate' at the RSPCA Op shop.

$3 - bargain
I couldn't help my self - started the soup making for the freezer. The end of the ham bone from Christmas - it was too big to fit in the oven, saved bacon rinds, and left over speck - seriously rustic.
The first minestrone
Then I poached a chicken - in reserved chicken stock, double the flavour. I put the chicken in the pot with the holy trinity (onion, carrot and celery) cover with water or chicken stock if you have some in the freezer. I then add salt and pepper corns, star anise and a piece of orange rind, bay leaf etc depending on my mood. Bring it to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Take off the heat and wrap it up for at least 2 hours to finish cooking. Saves power and is gently cooked- the chicken is so moist. Take the meat and skin off the bones, put the bones back in the pot to simmer and reduce for 30 minutes or so. Strain and you have very good chicken stock for your next project. If it is chicken soup, chop up a fresh lot of the 'holy trinity' and add to the stock simmer and taste test, then add some of the cooked chicken. Save the breast for salads, sandwiches etc.
Chicken cooking/resting
Some ravioli will make this a meal
Yacht race whilst having lunch

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Looking forward to Autumn

This is the favourite time of the year for me. Cool evenings and warm days that do not make you melt. This morning I washed my summer bedspread for storage and aired out the winter doona and covers. It was a perfect day for this the sun was shining and the sky was a lovely.

Now I am able to light candles in the evening. It is too hot in the summer.
My latest collection
I love hunting down second hand glass containers for candles.
A great place to sit
This is Maxi's favourite spot
The Tibouchina is in flower
The Nastursians will be here soon
Since the rain the nastursians have pooped up in the side garden - I always encourage them.
More Autumn lovlies 
No these are not mine in a Brisbane City Council garden.
All volunteer items
More candles
Autumn colour
Rexi likes the Autumn sun on his old bones
I put the shells I collect from beach holidays in this bowl
There are shells from all over the world in here. Yes I smuggle them home in my toiletries.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Rainy Sunday with a Medieval vibe

This cooler weather is exciting me no end. I am scouring my recipes to decide what to make this winter. Unfortunately there are not enough Autumn/Winter days to make them all.

I made Sunday lunch for my friend C. Liver with mashed dutch cream potatoes, roasted carrots and peas. I don't have a lot of friends who like liver, and the sage is looking great so it had to be now.
Look away vegitarians 
This is so easy and quick to cook.
Just a couple of minutes each side
This is so easy to cook. I had the vegetables all cooked and ready to serve plus the onions for the liver. Poured us both a drink and then cooked the liver.
with onions, fresh sage, lemon juice and white wine
I then spent the medieval looking afternoon watching a DVD lent to me by my friend R. We both love history - especially royalty. Bound to be better than fiction.
3 series here
I did need a reference book to check on characters - don't trust Hollywood.
Good quick reference
Thank you sister D for this 1980 birthday gift. It has been well used.

Chicken soup is next on the list. I poach the chicken the chinese way. Into the water or in this case the frozen stock from the last chicken. The holy trinity are added (onion, carrot and celery), plus salt peppercorns, a slice of orange peel, 2 star anise. Bring it to the boil and simmer for just 15 minutes. Then turn off the heat and wrap up for about 3 hours. Will be poached perfectly.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Planting garlic and some Easter decor

My friend C gave me some sprouting Aussie garlic. I prepared the garden bed, even put in some compost from the bin, plus some coffee grounds.
Fingers and toes crossed they grow
Apparently, all things going well, they will be ready for harvest in November.
Herb garden is happy
After the rain the herbs are doing so well. I bought new parsley, sage and lemon grass. I will be actioning some liver and sage with mashed potatoes next week. Have to take advantage of the sage before it dies. I don't have much luck with sage.
The useless Russian tarragon
At least it looks pretty and helps to keep the weeks away. Plus it looks good in the kitchen in a vase.
The pot plants are looking good.
I swept and hosed the back patio and cut away dead leaves. 3 hours work before 10am - legend.
New back door arrangement
I am baby sitting this plant for a while so thought I would enjoy it while I can.
Easter is close
I hauled out the Easter ornaments in preparation for next week. Not that I am doing any serious entertaining here but I like to make an effort.
Eggs and bunnies on a fish plate
All Easter thingies covered in one place.
Coffee table
I am really happy with this arrangement. I love going through my cupboards and 'things' and coming up with new ideas.
Next I will make an Italian Easter cake.