Monday, September 29, 2014

Bird fabric

I am considering this bird fabric as a cover for my sun room couch. It came from Dahrl Court in Spring Hill and looked awful where it was.
However in a different situation and the fact that the fabric is very good quality English linen - I think it deserves a second chance.
My friend C and I are going to 'workshop' some options. Until the fabric is all laid out we have no idea how much is usable. We may just make cushion covers so that sister J can have 2 as well.
Can I live with this?

Another view
The jury is still out
On a happier note my 'yesterday today & tomorrow' bushes (there is a real name for these but have no idea what it is), hardly ever flower. But this year there are some blooms.
A few brave souls
There are about 8 large bushes. Surely they can do better. I even watered them this year. I don't usually waste water on fully grown plants like this - too expensive
Nana's coral
Nana Jamieson had this coral on her stairs in Coorparoo. I always loved it. After she died I was visiting Uncle Andrew in Stanthorpe and there was the coral on his front step. I was a bit emotional when I saw it so he gave it to me. I just love it!
I am going to have another try at making focaccia this week.
This one worked
But the second one failed! I must try again.
After they rain in the past 2 weeks the ground covers are looking good. I want them to grow to beat the weeds.

I think it needs a yellow one now and a pink. Then some serious mulching. Lots to do before the heat comes.

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