Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas gifting

As per the last couple of years my Christmas gifts to family and friends, and hostess gifts has been food. It is a much more economical venture, it can be consumed at will or shared with family and friends.

I loved the Worcestershire  sauce Granddaughter G made last year. The best little touch to go into gravy for a roast.

This year I made Tomato relish again as it goes so well with cheese, crackers and muscatels.
Ready to go
Of course I made Lemon Syrup, the best thing on a hot day served over ice with sparkling mineral water.
More refrigerator friendly bottles this year
While I was away in Tasmania the basil plants went crazy. No matter how much I water my plants, a few good showers of rain and suddenly 'boom' they grow.
I made pesto for 2 friends. JG who lives on board her yacht so has limited kitchen space and appreciates things that can make a fuss free meal. And S who lives in a 3rd floor apartment and works mostly 12 hours per day.
Pasta and pesto - a simple meal
Of course I made the cranberry and pistachio biscuits. Not are these simple to make but with the red cranberries and green pistachios they are the colour of Christmas. I made 5 batches of dough and rolled them into logs wrapped in glad wrap and popped them in the freezer. I did this in the air-conditioning on one of the crazy hot days when only 'mad dogs and English men go out in the midday sun'.
Soothing work
Always better toasted
Then when there is a day when it is slightly cooler like at 5am, I have a baking marathon.
Cooling waiting to be packed
I have done most of my Christmas catch up's now.
The first round was delivered

All ready for Christmas Eve
I have 2 dinners next week one on Tuesday that I will make smoked trout pate for and on Christmas Eve I am schedued for a light fruity dessert. I love my foodie friends, we all speak the same language. On Christmas Day I will 'assemble' one of my favourite salads. Will keep you posted.

Friday, December 5, 2014

A lovely week in Middleton

I had a lovely week in Tasmania visiting with some favourite people. The weather was so different to home - cold but refreshing.
It really does the soul good to see rolling green paddocks, lawns, and flowers. Plus the sight of mist on the mountains and rolling in from the sea.

I have visited here before, so I know how lovely friend M's garden is, but it still surprises with new plants etc.

The honeysuckle on the side fence looks wonderful.
Yellow daisies
This is the largest daisy plant that I have seen. I would love this in my garden.
Side gate
This gate is behind the house and leads down the side of the garden. I just love the look of this.
Unique park bench
This bench is a definite one off. It looks so right here.
A lovely path
This will look wonderful when the agapanthus are in full bloom.
Of course the garden is full of potted plants and collected memento's.
We have to have lavender
The perfect garden accessory
Tish the wonder dog is very at home in this garden and knows every inch. Such a lovely place for a dog, also the humans.
Tish's beach
On sunny days Tish has her own private beach to have a play and go for a swim.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Serious comfort food

I haven't been able to cook since last Thursday because of a serious cut on my finger. I have just been assembling food....
Today I spent the afternoon in a wonderful cool breeze drinking french tea and reading
Wonderful afternoon
I bought these tea's in Paris and have been rationing it out to make it last. There is no guarantee that I will return to buy more
I love these
Then I went to Tokyo and what do I find in an 'American Outlet Mall' but a branch of Fauchon and rows and rows of my favourite tea.
Needless to say I bought more supplies
Now I can drink more tea
I decided that to top off such a lovely afternoon I needed to cook some comfort food. I had fresh broccoli and went to the pantry. I all of the ingredients for broccoli and anchovy orecchiette.

Simple ingredients
Like all good Italian (or otherwise) housewives I chopped up the stalks and fried them in butter with the garlic, anchovies and dried chilli.
Already smelling good
I cook the broccoli florets in the water with the pasta for the last 4 minutes
Still crisp and green

Sunday, October 26, 2014

A random week in October

I intended to have a quiet week this week, but as usual I was busy with something every day. I met a friend for lunch on Monday at the Balfour Hotel in New Farm. Her youngest son was just married so lots of wedding news to catch up on.
My philosophy class on Tuesday and then made a Pumpkin and sweet potato fritatta.
I forgot to photograph it while it was intact
I packed it up for lunch for the next day at Dahrl Court.
Packed ready to go
I am so glad I kept that recipe. It is now in the folder where I can find it again.

I did some serious gardening. Finally planted out the white geranium cuttings from a neighbour, pulled out the nastursians - they were past their prime, and planted the strawberries.
I have wanted to put strawberries in this for ages
The pot has been home to many flowers but this year I finally did the strawberries.

I also planted some lettuce before it gets too hot.
I will be eating these very soon
The sage is still flowering
On Wednesday sister J and I were guests of her Indian tenants as they celebrated their Diwali festival. Food was fabulous.

One of very long time girlfriends came for lunch on Thursday. I made Nigella Lawson's Jewish apple and almond cake for dessert. This cake is not cheap to make but too too easy. No creaming butter and sugar etc. Just apple puree, sugar, almond meal and 8 eggs and away you go and then pop it in the oven
Serve warm with yoghurt
On Friday we had a family wedding.
Bride and Groom

Saturday went to the China Town Mall for the Diwali Festival with sister J and her family.

The Indian food didn't look as good as what we had eaten on Wednesday night so we had Vietnamese.

I bought some new fabric to cover my sunroom couch for this season. The 'bird' fabric just wasn't right. Besides Maxi wouldn't sit on it - maybe he didn't approve either. However as soon as I put the new fabric on he was there THERE.
Maxi approval

Supervising position

I did 2 walks in the winter with sister D and the Sandgate Historical Society. These were wonderfully informative and was a way to get in some gentle exercise as well. I took this photo of the bay and wish I was there right now - but it will be too hot today.
Hopefully we will get a storm and I won't have to water the new plants - rain water is wonderful for them.
So peaceful

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Roasted Tomato Soup

I found these lovelies on the back bargain table of my favourite shop - Feast on Fruit.
Just over $6 worth of vitamins
I quickly turned them into this - salt, pepper, brown sugar, slivers of garlic, basil and olive oil
All ready for a slow 2 hour roast
Add some chicken stock from the freezer and a quick whizz and you have Roasted Tomato Soup
Topped with goat cheese and pesto
This made enough soup for 6 serves - bargain

I planted out the Zinna's
I can't remember the name of the white flowers in the centre
I have been growing sage for years and years as I love liver and onions cooked with fresh sage. This is the first time I have had a plant that reached the flowering stage.
A lovely decorator item 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Lucy Jamieson's float bowls

My grandparents Lucy and George used to grow the most amazing pansies in the front garden at Coorparoo.
She floated these wonder purple flowers (mostly I remember them being purple) in green glass float bowls/vases.
The green ones are Lucy's
Some how I ended us with these and I am so happy. I found the 2 amber coloured ones at a vintage fair. I love how the round one fits inside Lucy's round one. Like they were meant for each other.
I filled mine this morning with nastursians. My pansies this year are not as glamorous as lucy's so they  are not on display.
So many variations
I actually watered the 'volunteer' nastursians this year as they came up all around my new geraniums - so they benefited. I have never had so many different colours.
New/old wooden tray
I helped my neighbour take some things to the Uniting Church shop this morning, and bought this tray. I also found 2 crystal water glasses and 2 brand new ginger bread man cutters - all for $3. Bargain shopping at it's best. I love this shop in particular. The prices are so low and the ladies who volunteer are so cheery. Also a good place to find home made jams - if you are early enough. I have donated so many items here plus the ones that I collect from family and friends. It is only open on Fridays so I do the deliveries.
The bakers stand
I cleaned and repotted ready for spring/summer lunches outside
New additions
These will be planted out tomorrow. I have to wait until son M arrives so that he can pull out the plants in the big terracotta pot. They have been there for a couple of years and are too tightly wedged for me to move them.
Marguerite daisies
This daisy will join friends in the front garden when it has done it's duty here.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Bird fabric

I am considering this bird fabric as a cover for my sun room couch. It came from Dahrl Court in Spring Hill and looked awful where it was.
However in a different situation and the fact that the fabric is very good quality English linen - I think it deserves a second chance.
My friend C and I are going to 'workshop' some options. Until the fabric is all laid out we have no idea how much is usable. We may just make cushion covers so that sister J can have 2 as well.
Can I live with this?

Another view
The jury is still out
On a happier note my 'yesterday today & tomorrow' bushes (there is a real name for these but have no idea what it is), hardly ever flower. But this year there are some blooms.
A few brave souls
There are about 8 large bushes. Surely they can do better. I even watered them this year. I don't usually waste water on fully grown plants like this - too expensive
Nana's coral
Nana Jamieson had this coral on her stairs in Coorparoo. I always loved it. After she died I was visiting Uncle Andrew in Stanthorpe and there was the coral on his front step. I was a bit emotional when I saw it so he gave it to me. I just love it!
I am going to have another try at making focaccia this week.
This one worked
But the second one failed! I must try again.
After they rain in the past 2 weeks the ground covers are looking good. I want them to grow to beat the weeds.

I think it needs a yellow one now and a pink. Then some serious mulching. Lots to do before the heat comes.