Saturday, October 11, 2014

Roasted Tomato Soup

I found these lovelies on the back bargain table of my favourite shop - Feast on Fruit.
Just over $6 worth of vitamins
I quickly turned them into this - salt, pepper, brown sugar, slivers of garlic, basil and olive oil
All ready for a slow 2 hour roast
Add some chicken stock from the freezer and a quick whizz and you have Roasted Tomato Soup
Topped with goat cheese and pesto
This made enough soup for 6 serves - bargain

I planted out the Zinna's
I can't remember the name of the white flowers in the centre
I have been growing sage for years and years as I love liver and onions cooked with fresh sage. This is the first time I have had a plant that reached the flowering stage.
A lovely decorator item 

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