Friday, December 5, 2014

A lovely week in Middleton

I had a lovely week in Tasmania visiting with some favourite people. The weather was so different to home - cold but refreshing.
It really does the soul good to see rolling green paddocks, lawns, and flowers. Plus the sight of mist on the mountains and rolling in from the sea.

I have visited here before, so I know how lovely friend M's garden is, but it still surprises with new plants etc.

The honeysuckle on the side fence looks wonderful.
Yellow daisies
This is the largest daisy plant that I have seen. I would love this in my garden.
Side gate
This gate is behind the house and leads down the side of the garden. I just love the look of this.
Unique park bench
This bench is a definite one off. It looks so right here.
A lovely path
This will look wonderful when the agapanthus are in full bloom.
Of course the garden is full of potted plants and collected memento's.
We have to have lavender
The perfect garden accessory
Tish the wonder dog is very at home in this garden and knows every inch. Such a lovely place for a dog, also the humans.
Tish's beach
On sunny days Tish has her own private beach to have a play and go for a swim.

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