Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas gifting

As per the last couple of years my Christmas gifts to family and friends, and hostess gifts has been food. It is a much more economical venture, it can be consumed at will or shared with family and friends.

I loved the Worcestershire  sauce Granddaughter G made last year. The best little touch to go into gravy for a roast.

This year I made Tomato relish again as it goes so well with cheese, crackers and muscatels.
Ready to go
Of course I made Lemon Syrup, the best thing on a hot day served over ice with sparkling mineral water.
More refrigerator friendly bottles this year
While I was away in Tasmania the basil plants went crazy. No matter how much I water my plants, a few good showers of rain and suddenly 'boom' they grow.
I made pesto for 2 friends. JG who lives on board her yacht so has limited kitchen space and appreciates things that can make a fuss free meal. And S who lives in a 3rd floor apartment and works mostly 12 hours per day.
Pasta and pesto - a simple meal
Of course I made the cranberry and pistachio biscuits. Not are these simple to make but with the red cranberries and green pistachios they are the colour of Christmas. I made 5 batches of dough and rolled them into logs wrapped in glad wrap and popped them in the freezer. I did this in the air-conditioning on one of the crazy hot days when only 'mad dogs and English men go out in the midday sun'.
Soothing work
Always better toasted
Then when there is a day when it is slightly cooler like at 5am, I have a baking marathon.
Cooling waiting to be packed
I have done most of my Christmas catch up's now.
The first round was delivered

All ready for Christmas Eve
I have 2 dinners next week one on Tuesday that I will make smoked trout pate for and on Christmas Eve I am schedued for a light fruity dessert. I love my foodie friends, we all speak the same language. On Christmas Day I will 'assemble' one of my favourite salads. Will keep you posted.

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