Monday, December 30, 2013

Visiting my Favourites

Yesterday the temperature reached 35deg. I put the air-conditioning on at 8am. Rushed out to the shops and back into the cool. Spent the best part of the day cleaning my room from top to bottom.

Today after a lovely swim and a coffee with neighbours I went to the Art Gallery to visit some of my favourite paintings. I wasn't in the mood for anything modern or confronting - just comforting beauty.
The detail on these pears is just wonderful
The grapes are glisening
I love the way the lemon is cut
Figs and oysters
The Dutch did this so well

A little more modern
I have chosen these for the feel of the content, not by artist.
Pineapples and banana's - Queensland
Just liked this
Definately a local artist
There is something about food and flowers in painting that I really love.

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