Friday, January 3, 2014

Cleaning frenzy for the New Year

It has been hot here for the last 2 days and the next 2 are going to be even worse. What else to do but crank up the air con and clean in the cool.

I tackled the pantry, deciding that everything out of date or that I don't think I will be using is GONE!. A wonderful feeling. I threw out 3 supermarket bags of expired goods mostly herbs and spices.

The mess
How can 2 neat people get a pantry in such array?
I hauled out everything and covered every surface in the kitchen

The laundry trolley came in handy
Tidy condiments
Each shelf scrubbed clean
There is now room to spare
Drinks sorted
My Singapore poster inside the pantry door.
A lovely reminder of a trip. I also have one from the Seychelles inside the linen cupboard. A great start to the new year.

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