Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas decorations - 2013

My old artificial tree expired early this year. While I was taking it down in early January one of the plastic 'feet' broke and the fake fur/needles started to fall off. It has given us 20 years of good service - time to go.

I didn't purchase another tree. Instead I decided to just do decorations on surfaces around the house.

I love the birds so I used the white sticks to make a tree for them.
Use for the red baubles as well
So festive
There has to be some gold
Maxi and the coffee table
I decided to paint the big seed pod from the travellers palm
This is the original colour before I sprayed it gold
Completed and ready for the back table.
This will be a very easy Christmas for me as Gemma and Rhys are doing the catering - I only have to glaze the ham and turn up to lunch.

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