Saturday, December 21, 2013

Al little bit of Retro - Devil's on Horseback

I haven't made Devils on Horseback since some time in the 1970's. Our annual Carramar Street neighbours Christmas drinks/catch up was last night - so many in our little street seem to travel so much that we can go for month's without seeing some one.

2013 - Kim and Jose were in Europe for 6 months, Neil and Karen did Europe and USA both east and west coasts plus Karen went to Japan with her students, Carol went to Seattle I went to Tokyo. Rose and Jim went to France and Thailand and are leaving for India next week. Forgot what the others did - if this is a sample of how Australians are living we are are very well travelled lot.

Any how back to the 'Devils' - our hosts were Kim and Jose next door a beautiful restoration of a house built in the late 1800's - in fact our house is built on what was the original tennis court of their house - gives you an idea of the Queenslander granduer of the period.

We all bring a plate in the great Aussie tradition - I decided on the 'Devils'.
The old Sunbeam is still firing
I beat the cream cheese, Djion mustard, and mayo until light and fluffy then stuff the prunes using an icing tube.
Easier said than done
Next time I am buying a classier brand of prunes. Really, if you are stewing prunes for your porridge or throwing them in with oxtail (YUM) squashed 'home brand' will do. But I had the 'devil' of a time finding the opening in these babies and getting the tube in to fill them with the cream cheese mixture.
It took me 2 hours to stuff 500grams of prunes -
Showered and dressed at this point
Actually had to have a lie down after the stuffing business - they went in the fridge for an our to harden up.
Yummy final result
I arrived looking fresh and rested from my lie down with a bottle of Rose plus a bottle of my 'Lemonade Syrup' as a hostess gift.
Low and behold Kim had prepared exactly the same thing - talk about coincidence - neither of us has made this dish in recent times. They tasted the same so we must even have the same recipe. LOL

Excellent evening!

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