Saturday, December 31, 2011

Green Tomato Jam

Dad used to make Green Tomato Jam at Coomera. They had a large vegetable garden so I presume that this was a way to use green tomatoes. Jonelle and I have both looked for his recipe in the usual places but can't find it. When we went to visit we always had breakfast from the bar b que. Bacon and eggs grilled tomato then toast with the heavenly jam. Some days my boys would clean up a whole jar of the jam at one breakfast sitting.
Nev planted tomatoes in the garden in November to be ready for summer. Something started to attack them so I picked all of the green ones before they were more damaged.
The produce from the garden yesterday
I googled and found numerous recipes - surprisingly in all of the recipe books I have there were none for Green Tomato Jam. I made the simplest one I could find. I can't imagine that in Coomera in the late 70's early 80's dad would have been sourcing fresh ginger and vanilla pods for a country style jam.
The finished jam
I think that it tastes just right.
Maxi supervising

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