Sunday, December 4, 2011

Donna Hay

I have always been a fan of Donna Hay's recipes, especially in the beginning when she was writing for Marie Claire magazine. She was a breath of fresh air to encourage younger girls to cook simple clean fresh modern food.

I knew that she had produced a line of cookware and bowls. Also that she has ventured into packaged food. I don't usually shop in the 'baking' isle of the supermarket as I very seldom bake sweets or cakes now. However I was looking for Cocoa powder to make biscuits for Christmas Gifts. I saw a box of cup cake mix by Donna Hay and just had to try it.

The packet comes with 12 patty papers
The raw mixture tasted very much like my favourite cup cake mixture from the 60's.
Good result
Just don't ask how much butter is in the frosting and the cake. Just be sure that with just one little cake you will have had enough butter and sugar for a month.

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