Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I just love begonias. Maybe because they are easy to grow and just ask for a nice spot some soil and water.
Last summer they really suffered in the heat and some were in a place where the morning sun hit just a little too long. During the heatwave in the past few days I bought this new lot inside for protection.
They blend with this print
This pot has seen a lot of begonias over the years
These usually are all on the back table
This lily is happy here
Maybe it likes the 'vintage' corner. The wooden cabinet came from Graham's grandmother, the wooden tray was a vintage buy from my friends M and S for my last birthday. It has a map of Australia minus Tasmania in different types native woods. They live in Tasmania and thought that their missing state was very funny. Plus a bamboo bowl that was used for sugar when I was a child.
This came from the bamboo factory at Slacks Creek in the 1960's
Talking about vintage - when I was cleaning the pantry a few days ago, I realised that these French preserving jars have been serving me very well. I bought them when the boys were babies - not even in school. I bought one a week as I couldn't afford them all at once. Talk about good value. They have lasted for over 50 years.
I have a lot of these.
I have just replaced the seals over the years. They even travelled to Western Australia and back.

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