Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Imperial Palace Gardens

On our Tokyo day after we visited the Bridgestone Art Gallery, we had planned a walk in the Imperial Palace Gardens. It happened to be a 'rainy' day but as our time was limited we knew that it was now or never for this trip.

The rain was light and misty but enough for an umbrella.
I just love ornate street lamps
This image greeted us. I am imagining that it looks wonderful at night.
So peaceful
This is just how I thought that these gardens would look. It would have been great to linger and maybe sit and enjoy a picnic but it was way too wet.

Guard house
This is the ancient guard house for the warriors who guarded the grounds.

Unfortunately the 'wet' got the better of us and we walked back into the city for lunch. If I ever return this garden will be a must on a sunny day.

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