Sunday, November 10, 2013

Making Fans

We did a day round trip to Kyoto on the bullet train. Quite an experience. The train was super efficient and quiet - so clean.
We joined a walking tour that Ron had researched called 'Johnny Hillwalker'. Johnny himself is now over 80 years old so he doesn't do many walking tours now, but we had a lovely guide who was very knowledgable.
The walk starts at the train station and takes you to a Buddhist Temple and a Shinto Shrine and then into the winding narrow streets of old Kyoto.

I loved this fan shop.
Window display
This family have been making fans for 6 generations.
Blowing the pleats
This man blows into the pleats to separate the papers to be able to slide in the wooden slats.
Folding the patterned paper onto the frame
It takes at least 7 years experience to be able to pleat a fan as fast as this man. Very hands on and intricate.
Such concentration 
He didn't look up once the whole time I was in the shop - if he makes a mistake the whole fan is ruined.
This wood block and seriously big stones are used to press the papers, glue and slates together.
So many styles and designs

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