Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Today's walk - Newstead Park

It was warm today but as my neighbour and I were on an errand across the river we decided to walk in Newstead Park. We could see from our side of the river that there had been lots of work done on a new walk way. Walks along the river are my favourite.

Newstead house was closed for a function, but we had not planned to go in there anyhow as we had 'Val' the rescue dog with us.

The water lilies are in bloom
This fountain has the fattest gold fish I have ever seen.

Along the river
The breeze was blowing and the plants are delightful. Lots of plaques dedicated to the American Navy who were stationed here during WW11.

Then we came upon this
What a delight - made my day. Then in the path around the tree were little images in the cement.
Lots of these images
Different street art
No not our family
I couldn't believe this. I know this is not a relation but when I was growing up there was no other Robbins family in Brisbane. I know because I used to search in the phone book. Finally some turned up but of course not related.

As soon as the weather is cooler I plan to take more interesting walks.

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