Saturday, January 19, 2013

How 'things' end up in my household

After Graham's grandmother died ( a few years ago now) he would often come home from his weekly visit to his mother with an ornament, bowl, wall hanging, small cupboard etc.

No ceremony - they would just appear. I realised that they were obviously things that meant something to him.

This ashtray appeared one day.
I just loved him
He is a little battered, but I was intrigued. I had never seen one of these before. I gave him a prominent place on the bookcase and he held a tea light candle in the ashtray.

Low and behold not 2 weeks later I was at the Cannon Hill markets looking at the bric a brac stalls and look what I found.

This is now mine!
I couldn't believe that within 2 or weeks I was in possession of 2 of these ash trays. Mine was very messy so I painted and patched him the best that I could. I added the rhinestones also as something has obviously been stuck there previously. If I remember correctly he cost a whole $2. They both now sit on the bookcase and hold tea light candles. Such joy for a small amount of money.

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