Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mango Chutney

I made my first batch of mango chutney in 2004 with mango's from Lamb Island. It was a particularly good crop that year. My recipe from the Supercook series circa 1970's is for green mangos. I found that the 'common' mango not the fancy ones makes the best chutney. The following year there was no crop on Lamb Island so I used the mango's from my next door neighbour's tree.

Today I made another batch of chutney again from my neighbours 'common' mango tree. There are actually 3 trees and one is a good eating mango so I am keeping my eye on them.
Hard working peeling and chopping green mango's
The lovely spices, dates and sultanas 
Finished product
This is lovely with bread and cheese.

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