Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Today's walk - Newstead Park

It was warm today but as my neighbour and I were on an errand across the river we decided to walk in Newstead Park. We could see from our side of the river that there had been lots of work done on a new walk way. Walks along the river are my favourite.

Newstead house was closed for a function, but we had not planned to go in there anyhow as we had 'Val' the rescue dog with us.

The water lilies are in bloom
This fountain has the fattest gold fish I have ever seen.

Along the river
The breeze was blowing and the plants are delightful. Lots of plaques dedicated to the American Navy who were stationed here during WW11.

Then we came upon this
What a delight - made my day. Then in the path around the tree were little images in the cement.
Lots of these images
Different street art
No not our family
I couldn't believe this. I know this is not a relation but when I was growing up there was no other Robbins family in Brisbane. I know because I used to search in the phone book. Finally some turned up but of course not related.

As soon as the weather is cooler I plan to take more interesting walks.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cake carrrier

I am not really sure what to call this item that Graham bought home that belonged to his Grandmother. I am saying a 'cake carrier' as this is what I used it for. It has been sitting on top of the kitchen cupboards for more than 6 years I think.

I thought that it was ugly. However whilst looking for something to transport the cake I made for Jonelle's birthday to Dahrl Court, I spied this.
I am sure it is from the 50's
I discovered that it was wonderfully designed to carry an iced cake in the car. If the plate that the cake is sitting on touches the edge of the container there is enough clearance so that the icing does not get damaged. This will now be looked after and cherished.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

How 'things' end up in my household

After Graham's grandmother died ( a few years ago now) he would often come home from his weekly visit to his mother with an ornament, bowl, wall hanging, small cupboard etc.

No ceremony - they would just appear. I realised that they were obviously things that meant something to him.

This ashtray appeared one day.
I just loved him
He is a little battered, but I was intrigued. I had never seen one of these before. I gave him a prominent place on the bookcase and he held a tea light candle in the ashtray.

Low and behold not 2 weeks later I was at the Cannon Hill markets looking at the bric a brac stalls and look what I found.

This is now mine!
I couldn't believe that within 2 or weeks I was in possession of 2 of these ash trays. Mine was very messy so I painted and patched him the best that I could. I added the rhinestones also as something has obviously been stuck there previously. If I remember correctly he cost a whole $2. They both now sit on the bookcase and hold tea light candles. Such joy for a small amount of money.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Chocolate Birthday Cake

Now that I have the time I decided to make a cake for Jonelle's Birthday. I don't usually make cakes as the problem is - you tend to eat them. My friend Ron gave me a New Zealand book called 'Ladies, A Plate'.
Such a great name
I had not cooked anything from this book previously - so decided now was the time. I chose the Chocolate cake as the author said this was the first cake that she learned to cook.
I have cooked more complicated cakes before but I had all of the ingredients for this
I love it when i decide to cook something and everything is already in the pantry/refrigerator/freezer.
The prep
The finished cake
We ate it with greek yoghurt passionfruit and blueberries.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

More about Mangos

One of the best things about a Brisbane summer, besides the Frangipani, are MANGOS.

Again the stealing goes on. My friend Carol and I were able to get more of the green common mangos so that I could make more chutney. However we were not able to pull down the really good Bowen mangos as they were far too high up the tree. Even standing on a ladder on uneven ground (scary for 2 over 60's) did not work.

The clever neighbours Neal and Karen on the other side of Bernice's house, came up with an excellent idea. They have bamboo growing along their fence line. Neal made a metal hook on the end of an enormously long bamboo pole and was able to get heaps of mangos down for us. they have to be picked green and left inside to ripen. If left on the trees the bats and possums eat them. Not so bad if they ate one at a time. Unfortunately they take a nibble out of about 20 or 30 a night.

I came away with 15 wonderful big mangos that I will share with Carol. I gave Neal and Karen mango chutney for their clever idea and effort.
The bounty
The possums will get them if I leave them on the back patio table to ripen.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Our first corn

'Nev' planted corn a while ago mainly to use the shade to protect the lettuce and spinach from the main heat of the day. This has worked quite well and now we have a lovely crop of corn to eat as well.

I have never grown corn before so it was a guessing game as to when it is ready to pick.
The spinach has been harvested
This looks right to me
Steamed and served with butter, salt and pepper.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mango Chutney

I made my first batch of mango chutney in 2004 with mango's from Lamb Island. It was a particularly good crop that year. My recipe from the Supercook series circa 1970's is for green mangos. I found that the 'common' mango not the fancy ones makes the best chutney. The following year there was no crop on Lamb Island so I used the mango's from my next door neighbour's tree.

Today I made another batch of chutney again from my neighbours 'common' mango tree. There are actually 3 trees and one is a good eating mango so I am keeping my eye on them.
Hard working peeling and chopping green mango's
The lovely spices, dates and sultanas 
Finished product
This is lovely with bread and cheese.