Saturday, September 22, 2012


A friend of mine returned from a trip to New York etc and suggested a catch up at Sandgate. I haven't been here for years and have been drawn to it because George Christie's (my Grandfather) lived there at one stage. I must try and find out where and for how long.
This house?
There are some delightful old houses over looking the water. This one took my eye. To me this is a Sandgate house.
View to the walkway
There is a great walkway along the waters edge.
Another view
Monday morning fishermen
Further around in Shorncliffe there is a little park right on the water. Easy access for fishing, and then further along for sailing.
Out on the bay
Since working less days per week it constantly amazes me the number of people who 'do' things on a Monday or a Wednesday. Not restricted by 'work'.

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