Monday, September 3, 2012

Maxi the cat

We adopted Rexi and Maxi from the RSPCA 13 years ago. Rexi is older than Maxi (baby cat) but only buy a few months. We wanted 2 kittens but Maxi was the only black one left and Rexi hung on the wire and howled at Graham every time he walked past, we had to take him home.
Rexi sleeps on Graham's bed and Maxi sleeps on mine.
In the beginning Rexi used to boss Maxi around, but now that he has lost the sight in one eye and is suffering from age, (he is overweight and a guts), Maxi can get his own back.

Afternoon sun
This is the favourite afternoon spot in the winter to catch the last rays. The sun streams in through the blinds.
Helping Gra with dinner
Maxi loves company. If I am away in the evenings and Graham is home alone he won't leave his side. Graham took this photo and text it to me the last time I spent a night away from home. He insists on watching the food preparations. He never touches the food it is just the company he wants.
favourite weekend morning pastime 
He loves to sit on the paper while I am trying to read. I have to pick him up and move him as I turn each page.
He is an adorable cat and brings hours and hours of pleasure.

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