Sunday, September 30, 2012

Brisbane Festival

I love the number of festivals etc that we have in Brisbane. there is always something to go to and very often free of charge. From the Brisbane Festival, Budda's Birthday, Greek Festival, and the Italian Festival to name just a few. There are also numerous film festivals including a new one I heard about on Friday - a Korean Film Festival. I noticed some lovely looking girls walking up Albert Street in costume, they were handing out leaflets to promote the festival dressed in traditional costume.

I just loved the lanterns in the South Bank forecourt over the past month.
Such a pretty sight
We saw these on our way to eat Spanish Tapa's and drink Rose wine at 'The Sardine Tin' before coming back and watching the laser light show from the river bank.
Taken from the Victoria Bridge

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Budget meal

I have been very interested in preparing nutricious meals on a budget. I really believe that with careful planning and smart shopping this can be achieved. Of course taking the time to shop and knowing how to cook are the 2 biggest advantages.
I purchased beef cheeks from the supermarket approximately $3.95 for a packet that holds 2. Enough for 2 meals.
The other ingredients
1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 piece of garlic, 3 juniper berries and some home made chicken stock - another story.
Finished meal
I served this with roasted broccoli, parsnip and potato. All items bought from the 'sale table' at my fruit and vegetable shop.
The other piece of beef cheek can be frozen in its gravy for another meal.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Great use for an old building

The Masonic Hall in Sandgate has been turned into a coffee shop/cafe.
Great looking building 
New name
It is now called Matthew Thomas.

Some of the furnishing/wall hanging etc have been made from masonic memorabilia.
Framed ledger
From what I can gather this is pages of the old financial ledger giving the members names and the dates they paid their fees.
Red leather chairs
The red leather chairs look like they are originally from the building.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


A friend of mine returned from a trip to New York etc and suggested a catch up at Sandgate. I haven't been here for years and have been drawn to it because George Christie's (my Grandfather) lived there at one stage. I must try and find out where and for how long.
This house?
There are some delightful old houses over looking the water. This one took my eye. To me this is a Sandgate house.
View to the walkway
There is a great walkway along the waters edge.
Another view
Monday morning fishermen
Further around in Shorncliffe there is a little park right on the water. Easy access for fishing, and then further along for sailing.
Out on the bay
Since working less days per week it constantly amazes me the number of people who 'do' things on a Monday or a Wednesday. Not restricted by 'work'.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I still love chickens

Ever since Slacks Creek I have loved chickens. We grew up with the smell of chickens all of our child hood. I have chased then them, collected eggs, treated them with Dad's weird potions when they were sick, plucked and gutted them, but most of all eaten them.
I have thousands of ways to cook a chook.

I always have home made chicken stock in the freezer. I even buy china chickens.
Blacks chooks are my favourite
This is a cutie
I have more things of chickens, but will post them later.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Mexicans from Cornubia Street

I am still coming across times that I inherited from Cornubia. Billie had a little collection of Mexican items. I already had a small 'sleeping mexican in Sombrero' and no one else wanted these.
I am sure that we had one of these at Slacks Creek.
The whole group
These all look good on one of my corner kitchen shelves.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

1950's plate

Another one on the 'plate' theme. I found this fabulous number in a thrift shop in Dunedin New Zealand. I love thrift shops in other countries.
A favourite
Carol and I flew to Dunedin on the first leg of a holiday to walk the Queen Charlotte track. I also found in a different shop the perfect rain/wind proof jacket to wear whilst trekking. It cost a whole $10 and was and still is the best investment - another story...

This plate also sits on my kitchen bench top, usually with a bottle of red wine on it. I enjoy this plate every day.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The French Plate

I have loved plates with interesting designs on them since I first saw one at Billie North's house in the 50's.
My friend and neighbour Carol has a lovely black and white 'French' themed plate hanging on the wall on her back deck. We often sit here and drink coffee in the mornings or wine in the late afternoons.
I always admired the plate.
Doris' plate
Carol's mother Doris had the exact same plate. Doris bought them one each. After Doris died Carol gave me her plate. I just love it. It sits on my kitchen bench and I enjoy it every day.

Friday, September 14, 2012

My wooden cat

Abut 20 years ago Graham bought me a very good version of a 'wooden cat' that was very popular at the time.
Lovely face
This cat has a much better face than most of ones I have seen. He has been sitting in my bedroom ever since I received him. A year or so after he came I gave him a lovely velvet necklace with stones on it. It looks better on him than me.

I love this cat!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pink cut glass powder bowl

When I was about 12 years old (1959) my sisters Danise and Jonelle gave me a pink cut glass powder bowl. this was at a time when women decanted their loose face powder (pre compressed compacts) from the box it was sold in.
Vintage powder bowl

I am not sure that I ever used it for loose face powder. I always kept rings and earnings in it. I was cleaning it on the weekend and realised how long I have had this in my dressing table. Way over 50 years. It has become such a part of my life. Whilst not yet an antique - definitely vintage.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lucy Jamieson's Lemon Butter

I remember my Grandmother Lucy's lemon butter very well. She used to sandwich her sponge cakes with it. It is now commonly known as lemon curd.

Graham's friend Andrew has a good lemon tress at his home in Ballina. He bought me up some of the organic lemons. Wonderful flavours and so juicy.
Wonderful lemons
I made the lemon butter from my recipe book.
The finished product
I went to my cousin Roberts house for afternoon tea last Sunday. I made lemon meringue tarts with the lemon butter. They worked out very well.
Mini lemon tarts
I know have more lemons to make lemon butter. I am juicing the lemons and freezing the juice until I am ready to make more for Christmas gifts.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Art gallery

Last time I visited the gallery I was early so I walked around the buildings and stopped for a coffee by the river. I found this wall mural that I had never seen before.
Really suits the area
This is in the garden with tress growing around it. It looks wonderful.

In the water mall
These lovely big red pears are on a platform in the water mall. I love it when I visit and find a new piece of art work placed in the water mall. This is an excellent space.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Maxi the cat

We adopted Rexi and Maxi from the RSPCA 13 years ago. Rexi is older than Maxi (baby cat) but only buy a few months. We wanted 2 kittens but Maxi was the only black one left and Rexi hung on the wire and howled at Graham every time he walked past, we had to take him home.
Rexi sleeps on Graham's bed and Maxi sleeps on mine.
In the beginning Rexi used to boss Maxi around, but now that he has lost the sight in one eye and is suffering from age, (he is overweight and a guts), Maxi can get his own back.

Afternoon sun
This is the favourite afternoon spot in the winter to catch the last rays. The sun streams in through the blinds.
Helping Gra with dinner
Maxi loves company. If I am away in the evenings and Graham is home alone he won't leave his side. Graham took this photo and text it to me the last time I spent a night away from home. He insists on watching the food preparations. He never touches the food it is just the company he wants.
favourite weekend morning pastime 
He loves to sit on the paper while I am trying to read. I have to pick him up and move him as I turn each page.
He is an adorable cat and brings hours and hours of pleasure.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Vintage Closet

Great recycle idea
In Coorparoo on Wednesday I found another cute cafe. It has some vintage clothing and homewards plus lovely cakes and slices to go with coffee.
Herb garden in old wheelbarrows
Table centres

Saturday, September 1, 2012

GOMA - Prado Exhibition

I attend the Prado exhibition last week. I just love the way GOMA does the extra things around the actual exhibition. The bar looked wonderfully inticing to sit with a glass of wine and tapas.
The seating in the bar
Still life to draw
Drawing paper and pencils
Plenty of inspiration
I loved this 
Large mural on the wall