Friday, June 10, 2011

Breakfast @ Pompidou on Riding Road

On the rare times that I eat breakfast 'out' - I do like table service with a smile. We have a new cafe on Riding Road that supplies this. 'Pompidou' has just replaced a previous cafe that did not do table service.  For me breakfast out is a treat. Either to spoil myself or a catch up with friends.
We now have so many options for breakfast just on Riding Road now let alone all down Oxford Street.
Coffee made with care
Avocado and pink grapefruit
I chose sourdough toast with avocado and pink grapefruit segments with sea salt and olive oil. This was so light and delicious.
The latest 'Belle'
I loved the large stack of local and imported fashion and decorating magazines, as well as the days papers.

My inspiration for today was a quote from an interior designer in 'Belle'.

'If you understand your own personal style - find joy in simple things. If every investment you make from the kitchen broom to the largest piece of furniture, conforms to your own personal style - who needs to follow trends. If an object is beautiful today it should be beautiful forever'.

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