Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I do love this time of the year. I can invest in a bunch of  flowers and they actually last for over a week. Something that I will not do in the heat of summer.
Love white Jonquils
This little bunch looked so alone in the big bucket at my local florist I just had to buy them. Now they sit on my kitchen bench

Monday, June 27, 2011

My favourite way of cooking chicken

I made the 'Maggie Beer' chicken again on Saturday night. This is the 3rd time I have made it and the best so far.
Just right
Parsnips mash with cubes of raw pear
The tiny cubes of pear are a wonderful burst of sweetness in the buttery parsnip.
Beans with bacon and Baker's Potato
This is now one of my favourite meal combinations.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hipstamatic App

Different colour effect
I downloaded a new app for my Iphone camera. I am just learning how to use it.
In sunlight
A candle taken at night

Monday, June 20, 2011

Caloundra in June

We were supposed to 'do' the Caloundra weekend before Easter. But a series of events had the mini vacation postponed until now.
Moffatt Beach to ourselves
So close to the shore
I love the way the big container ships look like they are heading straight for the beach and then suddenly turn at the marker and head off up the coast for far reaching ports.
This shot was taken from the balcony of the resort. Always lots of things to see in the ocean.
Board riders on Moffat Beach
The beach side pool
This shot was also taken from the resort balcony.
Pandanas fruit
Seaside daises
Little boys in the surf
This class of little boys were body surfing while we sat in a beach cafe all rugged up drinking coffee.
Very cute art work
More art work at the same cafe

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

On the way to Hobart

Last year in Tasmania I saw some beautiful scenery. We stopped for coffee on the way from Bicheno to Hobart and I took this photo.
Taken from the front of the coffee shop
This is the little town of Orford. Just a small town on the main road. We bought take away coffee so that we could sit on the seats overlooking the river.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My market find

$1 bargain
I bought this little bag at the Chandler Markets. It is so small that it only fits a tissue a lipstick and a house key. It is all leather and so cute but totally useless. It doesn't fit my glasses or mobile phone so I can't really use it. But for a $1 investment it makes me smile.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Embroidered pillow slips

I love pretty bed linen. My favourite decorative pillow slips were a gift in about 1978. The pillow slips them selves are 'home made' and then embroidered.
This is a one off
Closer view
What flower is that
So many shades
I like this one
Only one of these
Closer detail
There is actually a pair of these
The detail
I have never actually slept on these. Only Maxi sleeps against them. There is another set that I have made reference to on the blog on March 30th. Proof that maxi sleeps on them when he thinks I have gone to work.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Breakfast @ Pompidou on Riding Road

On the rare times that I eat breakfast 'out' - I do like table service with a smile. We have a new cafe on Riding Road that supplies this. 'Pompidou' has just replaced a previous cafe that did not do table service.  For me breakfast out is a treat. Either to spoil myself or a catch up with friends.
We now have so many options for breakfast just on Riding Road now let alone all down Oxford Street.
Coffee made with care
Avocado and pink grapefruit
I chose sourdough toast with avocado and pink grapefruit segments with sea salt and olive oil. This was so light and delicious.
The latest 'Belle'
I loved the large stack of local and imported fashion and decorating magazines, as well as the days papers.

My inspiration for today was a quote from an interior designer in 'Belle'.

'If you understand your own personal style - find joy in simple things. If every investment you make from the kitchen broom to the largest piece of furniture, conforms to your own personal style - who needs to follow trends. If an object is beautiful today it should be beautiful forever'.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The walk along the river

The bridge looks so grey today
It has been overcast all week - the walks are not full of sunshine.
A solar powered boat
Kookaburra Queen
This is the first time that I have walked along this part of the river since the floods. The restaurants are all up and running again. It looks great.
The second paddle boat
It was very busy along the river so many people power walking and cycling. Many more people walk during their lunch hour in the winter. The weather is usually perfect at this time of the year.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dinner @ Pearl In Wooloongabba

The end of Logan Road at what used to be called the 'Gabba 5 ways' is now one of the loveliest eating area's in Brisbane.
The street view
Because of the very old buildings is looks a little like Melbourne.
Very French
Gorgeous street lamp
Another style
Another view
A very special shop
Some antiques
Pearl Cafe
The fabulous duck
The dessert
A wonderful evening with fun friends and great food. I would love go back and try everything on the menu.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Lunch on Sunday

I love the flowers
I had a wonder lunch with a friend on Sunday that I have not seen for 5 years. We speak on the phone but she has a very busy life and often works on the weekends, so that it is hard to catch up.

the salon was crisp and the salads were made with such care and attention. I just loved the flowers. We had fresh cold coconut milk to drink. She just chopped the coconut enough to put in a straw.
The I had a meditation lesson. A lovely afternoon.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The red 'flower' weeds

We have avery untidy area along the back fence of our garden. There are big lily type plants that do not look good. Then all of a sudden we have lovely red flowers. Then I wonder if they shoukld all be pulled out! At the moment - no.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pruning the Petunias

My neighbour came in for coffee this morning and convinced me to prune my lovely white petunias. She says that they will bloom again even better as the winter goes on.
I then had lots of lovely white blooms to find vases and places for.
They look lovely on the outside table
On the shelf under the window
In my bedroom
On the coffee table