Sunday, December 6, 2015

Some cooking and random events

I went to the Spring Hill Reservoir to attend an event directed by a friend of mine. It was a delightful afternoon with aria's from popular opera's, and stage musicals treats thrown in for good measure.
I just love this kind of event. Up close and personal with the performers.
So close to the stage
This is a heritage listed building that the council rents out for community events. It would make a great party venue.

I found a gardenia bush on our street corner that was in bloom, so of course had to 'souvenir' some blossoms. Also found a tree with red berries.
Just love volunteer flowers
Christmas cooking has just started, I made my usual tomato relish and 2 batches of the fabulous roasted tomato and fennel jam.
Tomato relish
Roasted tomatoes half way through the jam process
Last Sunday night we had another possum invasion. Usually it has been just one possum. They come in through the ceiling (even though we thought all areas were covered) and panic when they knock something over. I had a suspicion that I had a visitor since the last possum proofing as there were pieces eaten out of about six potatoes in a basket. On Sunday night there were 2, one with a baby on her back. They feasted on a lovely truss tomato and then knocked the bowl down.
A midnight snack
#1 possum took off out of the door as soon as I opened it, but the mother and baby stayed put.
If I shut my eyes you can't see me
She tucked the baby up against the wall and hid her face. I didn't want to force her down and have her leave the baby behind, so went back to bed with the door and gate wide open. I left all of the lights on so she wouldn't get comfortable and go to sleep. After half an hour she climbed down and scurried away. I was left with possum poo and pee to clean up. Had to light incence to get rid of the smell.

We know have another layer of possum proofing done. Fingers and toes crossed.

We had a tenant leave last week and in the clean up I found copious amounts of spices. This is not unusual in fact I haven't had to buy saffron or turmeric since I moved here. Amongst the items this time was roasted cumin powder, we have never seen this before. Plus the most wonderful smoked paprika. Sister J immediately said 'Goulash' so I did as I was told and made Hungarian Goulash with egg noodles and cucumber salad.
On the cooking side of events I also made a Nigella Lawson meatloaf.
All wrapped up and ready
So so good
And what is not to love - the onions cooked in duck fat and the loaf layered with bacon, how can you go wrong.
The petunias are doing well
My old Christmas wreath looks lovely here
Today I made the first batch of Christmas biscuits for the 'bring a plate' Christmas events.
Good old ginger biscuits
Just to end the week on a colourful note, we have a new car on the premises and so it had to have a blessing. Flowers, fruit, incense, it was wonderful.
Life is never boring at Dahrl Court.

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