Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Lead up to Christmas

Again this year I 'cooked' most of my gifts. The usual Tomato Relish, my fabulous new Roasted tomato and Fennel Jam that goes so well on a cracker with sharp cheese, and more Peach Chutney.

Plus I made the usual festive biscuits. Ginger this year along with cranberry and pistachio.

It is always good to have these as hostess gifts etc for the usual get togethers.

I made a entree platter for a get together in my old neighbourhood last week. Rockmelon and cured ham, red globe grapes with mint and feta, cherry tomatoes with mozzarella and basil, and fresh dates.

Platter, hostess gift and gifts for guests
Sister J and I made sweets until we both suffered a sugar coma. I made Joy's refrigerator cheese cake in muffin patties (60 of them), cranberry and pistachio biscuits, and coconut ice. J made coconut macaroons, white christmas and the all time favourite chocolate crackles. This was a project to give each tenancy a plate of home made Aussie Christmas sweets.

Our sweets gifts
We were very happy with the result 
Wrapped and ready for delivery
I made 2 lots of coconut ice. One with copha and the other with condensed milk. The condensed milk one was much better.

I still have 2 desserts to make tomorrow and another cheese cake for lunch on Lamb Island on Sunday. Plus friend C is coming on Christmas Eve. So off now to prepare the next shopping list as tomorrow is my final shopping trip.

The next project will be New Years Eve.

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