Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October - a busy month

For some reason this month has seemed to be so busy, but I did find time to cook a couple of new recipes as well as some favourites.

The weather is getting warmer by the day but I am still in roasting, pasta, risotto mode. In 2 weeks we will be back to the usual salads and Asian food that eat in the warm weather.

Started swimming again last week, and hope to make it a twice weekly event.

The herb garden is coming on well especially the basil. I planted it as a community garden and the other tenants are now starting to use the herbs as well - I like this.

Son M bought me some pickled pork. I haven't had this since the 70's. I cooked it old school style with an onion, brown sugar, bay leaf and vinegar. Let it cool in the cooking liquid. I did roasted vegetables, green beans with pangrattato, and stuffed zucchini.
Pickled Pork with onion and parsley white sauce
This sauce reminds me of Lucy Jamieson at 'The Crescent' Coorparoo. She made this sauce once for me to go with boiled potatoes when George cooked corned meat.
The vegtables
The jasmine is wonderful
Last week I found some wagu beef mince on special so made hamburgers 'Slack's Creek' style.
I did add caramelized onion something we didn't know about back then

Brown sugar and red wine vinegar

I made a batch of pasta sauce for the freezer. The easiest thing to have on hand when you need comfort food.
Ready for the freezer
New spring cushions
One of my favourite things to do since retiring, is not only encouraging friends to donate to 'Op shops' but to shop there as well. I am now volunteering at our RSPCA shop in New Farm on Friday afternoons. So many people shop here on a regular basis, and donate many items as well.

Two years ago I found a lovely 'apple' plate for $3. This month I found a friend for it for $2.
I love these in my kitchen
As summer will soon be upon us there will be no more cut flowers for the apartment. Cut flowers just don't last in our humidity. I treated myself to some lilies that were on sale in Woolworths. I actually managed to keep them looking good for a week.
$4 special
I made a roast lamb dinner for sisters and brothers -in-law. We chatted and laughed so much I forgot to photograph the cooked dishes.
This is all I managed to photograph
Bathed in olive oil, garlic, salt, rosemary and crushed coriander seeds. You will just have to believe me that it was fabulous.

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