Friday, January 10, 2014

Morning tea

My sisters and I didn't manage to catch up over Christmas. My outside area is looking good as I am spending more time on it, plus it was L's birthday today and Arrabella is in day care. What better time to make a cake a sandwich and homemade lemonade etc.

I had everything in the pantry that I needed including the pastry in the freezer for the caramelised onion and feta tarts.
I wish this are was more protected from the weather - I could leave this here all of the time
This plant loves the charity shop basket
I like the way these go together
Maxi had to check what I was doing
Butter cake with passionfruit icing
It was muggy between showers, the fans came in handy
The frangipani are on their last legs - not many left on the tree
Favourite cups
Lovely to finish off
Haven't worn this necklace for years
A very pleasant morning. Plus G will wash all of the linen table cloths. They were due to be done. I don't use them very often so it is important that they are laundered regularly.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I just love begonias. Maybe because they are easy to grow and just ask for a nice spot some soil and water.
Last summer they really suffered in the heat and some were in a place where the morning sun hit just a little too long. During the heatwave in the past few days I bought this new lot inside for protection.
They blend with this print
This pot has seen a lot of begonias over the years
These usually are all on the back table
This lily is happy here
Maybe it likes the 'vintage' corner. The wooden cabinet came from Graham's grandmother, the wooden tray was a vintage buy from my friends M and S for my last birthday. It has a map of Australia minus Tasmania in different types native woods. They live in Tasmania and thought that their missing state was very funny. Plus a bamboo bowl that was used for sugar when I was a child.
This came from the bamboo factory at Slacks Creek in the 1960's
Talking about vintage - when I was cleaning the pantry a few days ago, I realised that these French preserving jars have been serving me very well. I bought them when the boys were babies - not even in school. I bought one a week as I couldn't afford them all at once. Talk about good value. They have lasted for over 50 years.
I have a lot of these.
I have just replaced the seals over the years. They even travelled to Western Australia and back.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A necklace to spark up an outfit

I went to the sales in the week after Christmas, not Boxing Day, I did that once never again.

I had only one thing in mind to buy. A new necklace. I have a wedding to go to in February. I am going to wear a pair of pants that are at least 10 years old but I love them, plus a leopard print wrap blouse that I bought second hand for $10.

I need a necklace to spark it up and make it all look cool and modern. I have no intention of buying more evening clothes as I have enough until I die.

I looked at every necklace in Carindale - just when I was starting to get over it, I found this.
A $10 bargain
I already have this little number that I bought on my first trip to Florence
I am going to put them together
This layering thing is all the rage at the moment. It will make the whole outfit look more up to the minute.
Black roses
My Grand daughter G gave me this for Christmas. I just love it and now want an occasion to wear it. I do have a black pleated blouse that it will look amazing with. Hope to wear it soon.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Cleaning frenzy for the New Year

It has been hot here for the last 2 days and the next 2 are going to be even worse. What else to do but crank up the air con and clean in the cool.

I tackled the pantry, deciding that everything out of date or that I don't think I will be using is GONE!. A wonderful feeling. I threw out 3 supermarket bags of expired goods mostly herbs and spices.

The mess
How can 2 neat people get a pantry in such array?
I hauled out everything and covered every surface in the kitchen

The laundry trolley came in handy
Tidy condiments
Each shelf scrubbed clean
There is now room to spare
Drinks sorted
My Singapore poster inside the pantry door.
A lovely reminder of a trip. I also have one from the Seychelles inside the linen cupboard. A great start to the new year.