Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Our first garlic harvest

We use a lot of garlic in this household. I love the pink Australian kind that is so fresh. It can be very expensive so I decided to try and grow my own.
Graham had a friend that supplied the 'seed bulbs' and last April we planted them.
Not too bad for amateur  garlic growers.
Just harvested
I phoned Mark to see if he had any tips on how to plait it in the traditional way. He gave me a good idea, to use an old fashioned garden rake to hold the first three bulbs to get the plait started. I couldn't get it to work.
Next idea: Invite Mark and Gemma to Sunday lunch - he can then plait the garlic for me.
The process
This worked well. Plaited garlic and the chance to try out a new family type chicken dish. Winner all around.
The finished plait
I will save some of the cloves to plant again next year.

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