Friday, May 6, 2011

GOMA - behind the scenes

This afternoon I attended another members event @ GOMA. It was a tour behind the scenes to show how the collection is stored when not on view. So interesting, plus 4 staff on hand to answer all of our questions. Afterwards they served afternoon tea.
Sardine tin art
I was thrilled to see a small part of this collection on view in the foyer. I first saw this a few years ago and was facinated. The I saw it again in the gallery in Canberra. This is just a small part of the collection.
Palm trees
Couldn't help noticing the palm trees. So clever.
Very formal flowers
This is a bit old fashioned for me but very pretty. They are near the water mall in QAG. I am seeing flowers everywhere as I  really want to redo my arrangement - I need all the inspiration I can get.

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