Monday, May 30, 2011

Winter 2011

My new table top decoration
I have been trying to find a 'winter theme' for the coffee table for June the start of winter. I don't want to buy anything new so went through my cupboards. This does look lovely in the evenings. The camelia's are from a neighbours bush in an ancient clag glue jar (prior to plastic ones).

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My walk today - to West End

I haven't been to West End since the floods. I decided today to do my walk to check out if my favourite coffee shop is still there. I had read that it went under water.
Yes it is there. This place is fabulous at night. You always have to line up to order and pay and then hope you find a seat.
I can't wait to see if it has changed inside - I didn't have time to check it out today.
Cafe Meze
One of my favourite Greek Cafe's has moved next door to the 3 Monkeys.
We love to have a quick bite to eat before a show at QPAC.
Street Art
This used to spray mist and water, but since the water restrictions, it just seems to sit there. It does have soft changing pastel lights at night.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Today's produce

The recent rain has been so good for the vegie garden. the broadbean and the peas are doing very well. I planted a new lot of rocket last week, and all of the new herbs are happy.
Volunteer cherry tomatoes
Nav planted the lettuce but the cherry tomatoes just come up on a regular basis. They are so sweet in salads. If left a little long on the bush and they are soft or split - I just roast them for10 minutes and then throw them in a salad. Great with a drop of balsamic vinegar.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Small cars - the way of the future in the city

I saw a very small car in the city last week. Maybe we are also moving to the small car future as in the cities in Europe.
Angle parked in Florence
We saw small cars in Rome and Florence was full of them.
This one was in good repair
An altercation?-how tiny!
An electric one
So sensible for inner city living.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Spicy Chicken and rice noodle soup

I have been making this soup for about 12 years. Chicken stock and tom yum paste with chicken and flat rice noodles. It can be made in less than 30 minutes. Great on a rainy day. The coriander and chillies are from my vegie garden.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The resue plant

Whilst shopping at Bunnings about 3 weeks ago for potting mix, I came upon a thow out table of neglected plants.
I bought this pot of pink begonia's for $2. After 3 weeks of water, dead heading and a little pruning - I have a pink pot of happiness in my kitchen.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My online purchase

New summer bag
I found this colourful bag on a friends website. She has an online business and a blog. This bag will be great for summer to brighten up my normal wardrobe of black jeans and t shirts. Hopefully the bag will be noticed and not that I am wearing the same things as last summer (and winter).
The best thing is that it will not be in the usual department stores and as it is fabric it is light to carry. It comes from a hill tribe in Thailand and every bag is different as they are hand woven.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

White Petunias

I know that petunias come in lots of fabulous bright colours, but my favourite ones are white.
At the base of the rubber plant
A lovely way to fill the pot.
A trio of pots
These can be moved around where ever I want a little pot of white happiness. They look great in the centre of the outside table when we are having our weekend breakfast in the sun. They make a simple breakfast feel special.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Todays walk

Today I headed down to the Botanical Gardens for my walk.
The emblem on the gate
I have never noticed the emblem on the gates before. I really like it.
The map to encourage walkers
I love that they have a plan to encourage people to do their 10,000 steps per day.
Beautiful flowering tree
The walk takes you down towards the river and then along to the mangroves.
The sail boats moored along the river
Then further along and up through the QUT Campus. There is so much construction at QUT that each week the paths through change.
Sculpture along the river
I love public sculpture pieces just as much as street art. I lovely 40 minute walk in fabulous May Brisbane weather. So much better that walking in the dark after work.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pumpkin risotto

Pumpkin risotto
This is a recipe from Andrew Mirosch. he does a food page in Q Weekend lift out of The Courier mail on saturdays. This was so easy to make and delicious - just the thing for a chilly night - with left overs for lunch.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Flowers to say goodbye

A male model who I have known for 17 years came in yesterday to say goodbye to modelling. He started with us 22 years ago as a 17 year old. After over 4,000 jobs and lots of money (all been spent) he is settling into a real job, a fashion label and a surfing school. For him this is as real as it will get.  He has never had a 9-5 job and probably never will.
He taught my grandchildren how to ride a surf board - he owed me so many favours for his misbehaviour over the years this was the least he could do.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

No - I am not in Paris

One of my favourite cafe's in the city is Le Bon Choix. A little bit of Paris at the end of Elizabeth Street. This is a one hour excursion (lunch time), the walk there and back plus the time to drink the coffee.
I love the street lamps

The monument
Le Bon Choix
Opera cake
The coffee
 Sometimes I can't help myself, and I have a cake. They also bake their own breads for sale, plus delicious sandwiches etc. A perfect break in the middle of the day - especially with this lovely weather.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A lovely lunch time walk today

Now that the weather is cooler a walk at lunch time is so pleasant. Over the years I have worked out an excellent 50 minutes - 1 hour walk.
Pond in the gardens
I head down Albert Street into the Botanical Gardens, and up past the ponds to George Street and into the QUT Campus. Past Old Government House and the Gardens Point Theatre, to the Goodwill Bridge.
Goodwill Bridge
On the way across the bridge there is a lovely view up and down the river plus The Maritime Museum.
'Ella' The Pink lady lives here now
Then to the South Bank Parklands
The bower of bouganvilla
Sometimes I walk the length of the parklands under the bouganvilla, and sometimes along the river. Then past  QPAC and across the Victoria Bridge.
The farmers market
On Wednesday's there is the bonus of the Farmers Market. The German Sausage Hut is my favourite. Now for winter they have an extra treat.
New for the Winter
I must try this next week YUM!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


 I can't believe how my coriander is growing this year. I try to grow this every year and this time - success. On the weekend I am going to prepare one of my favourite asian chicken soups to use it up. I am afraid if I don't cook with it as soon as possible it will die.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Stuffed Zucchini

This is one of my favourite zucchini dishes. it can be prepared way in advance then just popped in the oven in time for dinner. The left overs taste even better the next day.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mother's Day breakfast

With one child in Cairns and the other at work driving from Toodyay to Broome, I assembled my own breakfast. Toasted spelt sour dough bread from my favourite baker, avocado, cherry tomatoes from the veggie garden, and smoked kalamata olives. YUM! all washed down with a hot flat white coffee with chocolate on top.
Maxi the fur child
Maxi was there. He supervised the assembly of the food, then sat on the newspaper as I read it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

New pot of ivy

I hope to train this ivy over a heart shaped frame. I am going to make the frame from an old wire coat hanger. I just have to find one. I banned them in my house ages ago so will now have to find some one who has a couple that I can practise with. Or I could just buy some wire. But I prefer to recycle.

Friday, May 6, 2011

GOMA - behind the scenes

This afternoon I attended another members event @ GOMA. It was a tour behind the scenes to show how the collection is stored when not on view. So interesting, plus 4 staff on hand to answer all of our questions. Afterwards they served afternoon tea.
Sardine tin art
I was thrilled to see a small part of this collection on view in the foyer. I first saw this a few years ago and was facinated. The I saw it again in the gallery in Canberra. This is just a small part of the collection.
Palm trees
Couldn't help noticing the palm trees. So clever.
Very formal flowers
This is a bit old fashioned for me but very pretty. They are near the water mall in QAG. I am seeing flowers everywhere as I  really want to redo my arrangement - I need all the inspiration I can get.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cleveland Point

On Sunday afternoon I went to Cleveland Point to look at the water. I haven't been in the ocean since April 2010 and I am really missing it.

The Lighthouse Cafe
I have never eaten in The Lighthouse before and was surprised to see they had a fabulous seafood restaurant as well as a cafe and takeaway. As I was on my own I ate at the cafe.
Gourmet beef pie and lovely crisp salad

A shandy

Great view from my table
A very enjoyable hour having a quiet Sunday afternoon lunch. I then topped it of with a macadamia icecream.