Tuesday, January 25, 2022

New Year New Hope

 So much has changed in the world since I started Blogging on a regular basis. 

After I broke my leg and started to get back on track, the pins dropped out of the bone. I was in terrible pain for ages not knowing this. The short story s i then had a hip replacement. This was kindergarten compared to the knee replacement.

Covid struck early 2020. We spent a lot of time walking cooking and not being very social.

I was lucky to go to Tamworth before the lock downs to visit Bed and Jordan. Danny and Charissa flew over and we drove to Tamworth for the Australian Championship Rodeo. I had a great time.

Anzac Day was a lot different to normal years. We were encouraged to stand in our driveways and hold a candle at 11am. We did this in Tina Ave. I made Anzac biscuits for our neighbours.

I did a lot of cooking and trying new recipes. The apple tart and caramel sauce was excellent.

There was a lot of time to appreciate the beauty of sunsets sunrises and the change in the garden.

The highlight of the year was a trip north to Cairns with Mark. He came back to lamb in June from Tasmania. Luckily he moved then as not long after state borders closed. We had a lovely time.

2021 started the same way- restrictions, lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing. It was much easier on the island BUT I was starting to miss my friends on the mainland. Mark moved to the mainland for work. I realised part way through the year that I need to move.

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