Monday, October 22, 2018

An eventful few months

After having a really bad flu last winter I decided to have a flue shot to preserve my health. I elected to have my left knee surgery on May 22nd. All went to plan including 2 weeks rehabilitation at the Mater Private at Cleveland.
I came home just needing a walking stick. Just as I was feeling confident and repairing well, I fell over at Carramar Street and broke my leg.
I had been to a party with Georgia and after arriving back I decided to look for Maxi. I fell in the dark. I managed to get to bed but by morning I needed the ambulance.
I had 3 pins put in my leg. The fall happened on September 1st.
Both my knee and leg are healing well now. By the end of this week all of the post operative appointments will be completed.

The weather is already starting to warm up. We have had quite a lot of rain which is great for our garden.
Our lovely geraniums 
The park bench for viewing
The November lilies are out as usual.
So beautiful
After a big storm on Sunday afternoon the light was just amazing.
We had some good harvests over the winter. Our friend Ron keeps an eye on fruit trees in gardens of houses that he does lawns etc. A lot of houses on the Island are not inhabited all of the time. When there is an abundance he always drops off some produce. Lemons, Oranges, Limes, cumquats and pawpaws. Our herbs are growing well plus we had a great crop of lettuce, spinach and baby kale. of course cherry tomatoes - they grow the best here.
Great for orange cake
I miss the sunsets over the water that we could see from the June Parade house. I snapped this shot a week ago - it was beautiful.
On Sunday afternoon a man pulled up on a bicycle and set up his easel and started to paint. I spoke with him and made him welcome. He has land on the Island and will build here eventually. I took a photo through my window as I wanted to show Jonnie. I didn't like him to see me photographing him. I hope he returns.

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