Monday, April 30, 2018

Autumn - finally

The heat seemed to go on for ever. Finally if not standing/sitting in the sun one can now wear a sleeve.
This morning was down to 13 deg - but by Friday the middle of the day will be up to 26 deg. The wind has a chill so no swimming this week even though the tide is right.
We have been practicing our Tai Chi almost every day and have improved greatly. Mel comes a couple of times a week to practice with us.

Little red hen
Our last chicken has arrived. The 'old' girls have given her a hard time. Talk about bullies. But finally things have improved but they keep her in her place - end of the line. She is frightened of us as well so hopefully her life will improve over the next month or so.
Chair fabric
Couch fabric
Jonnie did a great job on the cushion covers - we just love these Hawaiian prints. Even the bamboo plant behind matches the print in the fabric.

Rogue chicken
This feeder is for the wild birds. We let the chickens out every evening for 30 minutes or so.- didn't take long for them to find the food.

The Corella's found the seed

Date and ginger cake
I made the bread and the rest of the produce is from the garden. Pawpaw, pomegranate, passionfruit and eggs.

New driveway
Jonnie and Brian built this driveway from material left at the council area. I did help a little but my leg gave way so was only able to do a few loads of gravel and road base.
New car park
New Magnolia tree
The start of the tropical garden
Under the mango tree
The mango tree and the area underneath has never looked better. Beautiful and lush.

The Jacaranda tree
This tree came from Danise's garden in Kedron. It was small enough for me to bring over on the ferry as a potted plant.

We love watching the activity of the prawners.

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