Monday, October 2, 2017

We have inhereted a cat

Son Mark inhereted a cat from a neighbour who was leaving the island. Now Mark has a new partner with an allergy to cats - so we have adopted him. It wasn't a huge upheaval for him as he spent lots of time with us when ever he felt like it.
As soon as his food and dishes were installed in our kitchen he realised that this was now home. I am sure he worked out very quickly that we are a much more interesting household. We are home most of the time - so are his beck and call for food, chats and brushing his fur.
He loves my fur rug
Sits here to be admired
I have started to go through my recipes looking for spring/summer food inspiration.
Ready for the oven
This tomato tart was fabulous and so easy to make. It has gone to the top of the list.

We ate outside for the first time. In summer the mosquitoes drive us inside - but we are really looking at ways to address that.
The candles and lights made the area look very glamorous.
Love candle light
View into the kitchen
Lamb risoni
This good old standby never dissapoints.
Even lovely at night

We created this garden in the corner of the veranda to disguise a very ugly water fountain.
Red onion and blue cheese tart
This was a new recipe for me. I used the baby spring onions from Lamb Island Farm to decorate the top.
Good old regular
Tractor Point
I now know why this area is called Tractor Point - well by the locals anyhow. I had been into the park before but only at high tide was unaware that this is the reason.
She looks lovely by candle light
Never tire of this view

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