Sunday, September 3, 2017

Welcome to a Spring catch up

The horrid Queensland flu thingie hit hard this winter. I was down for the count for 8 weeks. It took all my strength to just function.
Thankfully this past week I have bounced back. Also the weather during the day is just divine.

We have been here on Lamb Island for 1 year now. We have settled into a good life here. We get the bulk of the groceries delivered, and the alcohol. I am learning to tweek my favourite recipes if I don't have the EXACT ingredients.

Pretty Produce (The flower farm) are now growing vegetables and salad thingies. This is a treat and Chris who is in charge of the veggies lets us know when things are ready for sale.
So fresh all just picked
Today's treats included baby carrots straight from the ground, he clipped the rocket while we waited. I also bought some baby onions and something called sea blight. This in a salad will be amazing.
Son Mark has planted an excellent garden with a fabulous ocean view.
Happy tomatoes
2 different lettuce types
We ate some beans last night
Lucky chickens
I did manage some cooking that I photographed before the flu had me in it's clutches.
Zucchini and oregano tart

Kimchi pancake
Favourite bean salad ingredients
New paint work and new plants
Jonelle has been working daily on 34 Tina Avenue. It is all coming together outside with maintenance  and painting. The apartment has been properly finished and is waiting for the next tenant.
Parsley and lemons from our garden
The herbs at 11 June Parade are doing well. Thank goodness as we use so many fresh herbs in our cooking.
The view from the verandah never disappoints.
Prawners out in force
There is always something happening out in the water. We will really miss this view when we move to Tina Avenue.
Flowers from a walk
I am looking forward to the flowers that will come out in the spring.
They come in twice a day for treats

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