Saturday, October 19, 2013

Salted Caramel Cheese Cake

Graham's new shop needed a Salted Caramel Cheese Cake. I have never heard of this - but asked Mr Google and found Donna Hay's recipe - her food is good.

The first one I made as a trial didn't look so good but the taste was there. The second one tasted even better and now this 3rd one - which will actually make it to the shop looks great - I am happy with this one.
The crust
This crust has shortbread biscuits, butter and ground almonds - what is not to like.

Salted Caramel Cheese Cake
The filling is cream cheese, ricotta cheese, brown sugar and more. The baked. The topping is cream, sour cream, sugar etc etc then a caramel sauce swirled over the top of the cream.
Not something to eat every day.

I did a taste test on the first one and that will be it! Too rich for me. Hopefully it will sell.

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