Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Chicken and Leek Pie

When I was a child my Father made chicken pies for a living - well part of the living. They were the most famous part. We would sell hundreds of them on a weekend from the shop in Slack's Creek.

After raising the chickens from day old's, being part of the process system as in working in the abattoir  (I could gut a chicken in 10 seconds when I was 10 years old), then boning the caracas, making the chicken filling and sometimes helping to roll the pastry, I haven't eaten a chicken pie in 50 years.

Watching Graham eat a chicken pie last Friday I suddenly had an urge for one. Maybe the reason I haven't eaten a chicken pie in all those years was because I was worried that it would not be of the good taste and quality that made Dad's pies famous. Well in our part of the world.

I spent all of Friday night doing research and found what i thought would be a great recipe with leeks - one of my favourite vegetables.

Puff pastry top - delicious
There was too much mixture for one pie so I made some individual pies with puff pastry. These turned out wonderfully well. I even ate one cold the next day.
Perfect picnic food

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Double Layer Chocolate Cake

When I was told that 'Making Lemonade' need a good chocolate cake, I tarted up my favourite chocolate recipe for the 'coffee and cake' crowd.

I made 2 layers and sandwiched them with a very rich chocolate mixture (cream, butter & Real dark chocolate) then put 1.5 times of the icing recipe on the top and sides.
Very luscious and rich 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Salted Caramel Cheese Cake

Graham's new shop needed a Salted Caramel Cheese Cake. I have never heard of this - but asked Mr Google and found Donna Hay's recipe - her food is good.

The first one I made as a trial didn't look so good but the taste was there. The second one tasted even better and now this 3rd one - which will actually make it to the shop looks great - I am happy with this one.
The crust
This crust has shortbread biscuits, butter and ground almonds - what is not to like.

Salted Caramel Cheese Cake
The filling is cream cheese, ricotta cheese, brown sugar and more. The baked. The topping is cream, sour cream, sugar etc etc then a caramel sauce swirled over the top of the cream.
Not something to eat every day.

I did a taste test on the first one and that will be it! Too rich for me. Hopefully it will sell.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Mini Coconut Meringues

Tomorrow Graham's new shop 'Making Lemonade' will open for take away coffee. They are not ready to open the full shop yet as they are still setting up and do not have the food licence yet.

The expresso machine has been delivered so it will be christened. I made some mini coconut meringues to be given out free with coffee.
Little bites of sweetness

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kourabiethes (Greek Shortbread)

Lilian wanted the traditional Greek shortbread biscuit made for her wedding. I asked a Greek girlfriend for a suggestion of a cafe/patisserie where I could have them made.
She volunteered her Mother - if I bought the ingredients.

I have tasted Mrs Georgio's biscuits along with other treats over the past 20 years - YUM!

200 of these now to package
Bags and ribbon
1st of 95 packets
1st 50 ready
Ready for delivery