Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ginger biscuits test run

I did a test run of the ginger biscuits that I am making for Christmas Gifts this year. I have made these before but only one batch at a time. I am making up all of the dough and freezing it until the 'baking day'. I have realised from previous years that it depends of course how long you leave a ginger biscuit in the oven how the final texture will turn out. Do I do chewy ones or leave them longer and make them crisp?
Every one who has done the taste test gives me a different answer. There will be no time to experiment on the 'baking day', as I will be baking about 6 batches of different biscuits.
The smell is the best
This year I am putting a small piece of crystallised on each biscuit.

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