Friday, February 3, 2012

Mid week lunch

My neighbour and friend Carol left for a month's holiday in WA. I said I would cook her lunch on the day of travel.

I went through the freezer and decided to use up all of those 'bit and pieces' that I collect that are 'left overs' from previous cooking sessions.

Carol is an expert on this type of adventure. She has cooked a 3 course meal for 4 people with a couple of hours notice just from her freezer, pantry and garden.

Melon, figs and prosciutto
Spinach and Feta Pie

All of the ingredients except the spinach from the freezer 

Flowers from the garden
Sago pudding with fruit
I did have to buy the sago. I haven't cooked sago since my boys left home. This was delicious. Served with berries, fresh passionfruit, mango, and passionfruit syrup.

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