Sunday, February 26, 2012

More interesting finds

Brisbane has changed so much over recent years. We still don't have the variety of shops and exotic items of Sydney and Melbourne let alone Europe, but we are getting there.

I appreciate eBay and internet shopping, but I love to discover things, and to touch and feel them.

I found these recently.
Lovely old French books
Antique French house numbers
4 of these for $540, I have the Ikea version $18 each 20 years ago
How did milk crates get to Brisbane from Brooklyn

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday Morning at Wooloongabba Antiques Centre

Wooloongabba Antiques centre is a great place for a little wander and good coffee on a Saturday morning. Some times there is a Jazz band playing otherwise there is very good retro music.

There is always a good fun vibe, especially with the young couples looking for vintage decorating items.

So many things bring back memories and make me smile.

I wonder what happened to ours
Love the lizard on the handle

I love ceramic drawer handles

I embroidered a dressing table set with this image

Freida in a bottle
I love Freida Khalo but this even too kitch for me

Retro Cowboy

For your next Hawaiian party

$80 for a pair of net curtains
I had yellow curtains exactly like this in Belgrave Street in the late 70's. They cost about $15, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to afford them
Very 50's

I think this is very creative


Just plain ugly

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Stolen flowers

I checked my neighbours house and garden after the storms over the past few days to make sure that all was in order while she is away.

I saw these pretty flowers and couldn't resist them.
Adding some cheer

Friday, February 3, 2012

Mid week lunch

My neighbour and friend Carol left for a month's holiday in WA. I said I would cook her lunch on the day of travel.

I went through the freezer and decided to use up all of those 'bit and pieces' that I collect that are 'left overs' from previous cooking sessions.

Carol is an expert on this type of adventure. She has cooked a 3 course meal for 4 people with a couple of hours notice just from her freezer, pantry and garden.

Melon, figs and prosciutto
Spinach and Feta Pie

All of the ingredients except the spinach from the freezer 

Flowers from the garden
Sago pudding with fruit
I did have to buy the sago. I haven't cooked sago since my boys left home. This was delicious. Served with berries, fresh passionfruit, mango, and passionfruit syrup.