Sunday, January 29, 2012

The picnic rug

Old fashioned bedspread
I love this old velvet cut bedspread. I spotted it in a friend's garage about 15 years ago. It was pled up with another velvet cup blue patterned table cloth and about 4 hand embroidered linen cloths of various sizes. It came from an old Jewish friend of her Mother's. She had volunteered to take them all to St Vinnies. Needless to say I took the lot of her hands right there and then.

I have a large collection of velvet cushions of various colours and shapes that sit so well on this rug. Just perfect to put out in the shade for resting after a long lunch.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Toasted Sandwiches

Since my fall and the inability to use my left arm for anything useful, I have redescovered the joys of a toasted sandwich. I do like sandwiches and in fact thought about writing a recipe book at one time just on sandwiches. I don't often eat them now as I have cut bread out of my diet (mostly).

However a sandwich toasted in the sandwich press has become my new best friend. I can manage this with minimum input from my left arm.
Life saver

Saturday, January 21, 2012

For my injured arm

I had a fall on January 2nd and have not been able to use my left arm. My physio directed using an ice pack on my elbow for 20 minutes at least 3 times a day.
I was using a bag of frozen broad beans. When I came home from work on Tuesday evening there was a packet on my bed. A gift from Graham.
A retro ice bag
 I didn't even know that these existed. I had only seen them in cartoons.

I just think it is great.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Honey and Harissa Glazed Eggplant

I first made this recipe in December 2010. Spicy and delicious. Made it again in January 2011 and again in March 2011. It was then I had the idea to serve it on toasted french loaf to go with drinks instead of a vegetable dish. The crunch of the toast, spicy eggplant and col yoghurt on top is a winner.
The spice ingredients
I made this again as one my contributions to New Years Eve dinner. It also was part of a meal with friends the evening before.
Very successful
The recipe is from June 2010 edition of Delicious Magazine.