Sunday, September 25, 2011

The refurbished screen

I acquired this screen from a friends 'throw out pile' about 10 years ago. It has woven slats and worked just fine to keep the summer sun from my books in the sunroom. Then one afternoon after about a year of good service, we had a big storm and the wind blew it down and smashed most of the slats.

This is it's second incarnation since that time.
3rd refurbishment
Mark painted it white for me and gave it a 'shabby chic' look and glued pink and white mattress ticking to board and nailed it on the frame. This made it very heavy so it didn't blow over again.

This time I stapled the fabric to the frame and used hot glue to trim with white cotton rope to cover the staples. It is now all fresh and new again. Hopefully this will last for a few more years.

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