Monday, September 26, 2011


The setting sun
This shot was taken from our top terrace. The colours were much brighter than this.
A minute later
This were taken during the smoke haze last week. Lovely atmosphere.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The refurbished screen

I acquired this screen from a friends 'throw out pile' about 10 years ago. It has woven slats and worked just fine to keep the summer sun from my books in the sunroom. Then one afternoon after about a year of good service, we had a big storm and the wind blew it down and smashed most of the slats.

This is it's second incarnation since that time.
3rd refurbishment
Mark painted it white for me and gave it a 'shabby chic' look and glued pink and white mattress ticking to board and nailed it on the frame. This made it very heavy so it didn't blow over again.

This time I stapled the fabric to the frame and used hot glue to trim with white cotton rope to cover the staples. It is now all fresh and new again. Hopefully this will last for a few more years.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lunch September 2011

Table decoration. 
Our volunteer nasturtiums came to the rescue for the table decoration.

I haven't had a lunch out side since last summer. when I planned the menu early in the week I didn't expect it to be so unseasonably hot.
The table
By the door
I really like this little arrangement near the back door. It looks so welcoming.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A new purchase

Too pretty
I know I said I wasn't going to buy any more 'ornaments' but I couldn't resist this. Only $8.95 and it was from the new shop just down the road 'Hawthorne Pantry'. This is a gorgeous shop and I really want to support them.
Gourmet food, gifts, books, fresh and silk flowers everything you can think of.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Waiting for Graham to come home

Both boys sitting on the top of the driveway waiting for Graham to come home and getting the last of the suns rays at the same time.
This is a daily ritual.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The new/old strawberry pot

Another item from 'the garage sale'. It is not the right time of the year to plant strawberries - just to eat them.
So I planted violas they look so happy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Spring arrangement for the coffee table

Ready for spring
The glass bowl, shells and white dish are from BN's 'garage sale' the little white vase is actually the base from a soap dispenser that stopped working. Great finds.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A little pot of happiness

I love daisies
This pot of daisies only cost $5.99. They have lasted so far for 4 weeks. What good value. Last weekend I bought a large pot of African daisies the white ones with the blue centres. I am hoping they will grow well so that I can cut flowers from the bush for the house.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The herb garden - update

Looking good
I spent a good 30 minutes weeding the herb garden before I planted the new rocket and basil plants. Also pulled out the coriander that has goon to seed. The lemon thyme is looking just lovely. The marjoram is growing so well I cut it and used it in a vase as an arrangement. Looks great with some parsley.
The beans
I have had 2 meals from the beans so far. The spinach has almost finished now.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fish cakes

The fresh ingredients
I have always made fish cakes of some type. Usually with canned salmon and sometimes tuna. Then I found a recipe using fresh fish, including a piece of fresh salmon and lots of fresh herbs. This one includes garlic, chilli, basil and parsley.
The finished product
Instead of fresh breadcrumbs I used the Japanese ones. the are great - I am going to use them in the future in place of fresh bread crumbs.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Japanese lacquered tray

My new tray
I acquired this at the 'Cornubia' garage sale. I tried to sell it for 3 hours and no one was interested. After spending so much time saying how lovely it was, I realised that it actually was quite lovely. So I decided it deserved to be with me.
I now realise that this type of  lacquer ware is what was one known as 'Japanned'.  It was very popular around the turn of the last century- 1800-1900.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Spring flowers for the first weekend of spring

I love the fragrance. I have some in my bedroom as well. I love the flowers at this time of the year.
Daffodils look lovely with the violets
So pretty on the window sill above the sink.
Irises - my favourite
The house is now ready for the first weekend of spring