Friday, July 1, 2011

Croque Monsuir

I have eaten this fabulous breakfast/lunch sandwich in Paris and was keen to make it at home. After researching many recipes - I finally found one I really liked. This is just delicious.
The best thing is that I have realised that not only can the cheese mixture be made in advanced, but the whole sandwich can be assembled and put in the refrigerator the night before. just take it out an pop it in the oven. With a fried egg on top it is called Croque Madame.
Just mix creme fraice, grated gruyere cheese and Dijon mustard. Spread it on one piece of bread then slices of thinly shaved leg ham. Top with a second slice of bread and spread cheese mixture on top. Put in the oven until toasty and grilled on top.

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