Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cloisters New York
I visted the Cloisters in Fort Tyron Park in 2005. When I arrived in New York this was on my 'to do' list. However because of the torrential rain and flooding, I was not really sure if I would make it. I was on the Grey Line bus tour and it made a stop at Saint John of God Cathedral. Almost as a second thought the guide said 'If anyone would like to visit The Cloistes that red bus will take you there and back for $5'. I was the only person on the bus with the guide and driver. The guide sat with me all the way up through Manhattan and Harlem and answered all of my questions. When we arrived they made a time to meet me to take me back to the pick up point. The garden was planted with the exact plants and design as one of the paintings. The rain stopped just long enough for me to go into the garden to take these pictures.

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