Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday afternoon


A little trad jazz and a nice cross breeze. What else could a body want!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Galeries La Fayette


I took this photo of the fabulous dome in this iconic department store. I always do a lot of looking here but not much shopping. The experience is enough. I do think that a glass of pink champagne in the Moet Bar though is a must after 2 hours of wandering and dreaming.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

'The Brothers' - Dunedin New Zealand

Sampson the Concierge

View of the Cathederal from the lounge room
At the start of an adventure holiday on the South Island of New Zealand, we stayed at 'The Brother's' B&B. This was originally the accommodation for the 'Brothers' from the Cathederal next door. We were met upon arrival by Sampson, and his owner explained that he was the Concierge. A job he took seriously. He greeted us every time we came 'home' and led us to our rooms.When we relaxed in the lovely lounge room to read, use the internet, or have a glasss of wine before going out to dinner, he kept us company.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Liver with sage and onions

Liver is not to everyone's taste. However I find it one of lifes comfort foods, especially served with mashed potatoes. This particular recipe is one of the most sophisticated in my files. Lovely and light with white wine, lemon juice and fresh sage. Perfect for summer as is is not as heavy as liver with bacon etc.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chiarscuro - Florence

I bought these cups to remind me of a fabulous bar in Florence that we went to every morning for breakfast and sometimes in the evening for a drink or a quick dinner at the bar. The coffee and pastries were delicious and service was wonderful. In the evening for the price of a drink you could eat buffet style from the bar.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Under the Tuscan sun

Since seeing the movie UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN I did hope that this time when I visited Florence I would see the flag throwers. My wish came true on the first day. After we arrived at our B&B it was suggested that we visit the Rinasciente department store, and go up to the roof restaurant for a drink. Whilst settling in with very expensive peach bellini's, a parade came through the arches into the Piazza dela Republica. We had the perfect view.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bead work from Bali

This basket was purchased in the village of Penestanan just west of Ubud on the Indonesian Island of Bali. Ubud is considered the 'cultural centre of Bali' and Penestanan used to be called the 'Village of Young Artists'. In the 1930's many European artists, mostly German, went to Ubud. They fostered the young artists in this village. It is now know for it's beautiful bead work. Another reminder of a wonderful holiday.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Favourite Items

The cat in this picture was a birthday gift from a friend about 14 years ago. Last year when I was in Sydney I saw the box. Not only is it the same material and colouring as the cat but it had my favourite decorative item on it - the fleur de lis. Naturally I had to have it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cloisters New York
I visted the Cloisters in Fort Tyron Park in 2005. When I arrived in New York this was on my 'to do' list. However because of the torrential rain and flooding, I was not really sure if I would make it. I was on the Grey Line bus tour and it made a stop at Saint John of God Cathedral. Almost as a second thought the guide said 'If anyone would like to visit The Cloistes that red bus will take you there and back for $5'. I was the only person on the bus with the guide and driver. The guide sat with me all the way up through Manhattan and Harlem and answered all of my questions. When we arrived they made a time to meet me to take me back to the pick up point. The garden was planted with the exact plants and design as one of the paintings. The rain stopped just long enough for me to go into the garden to take these pictures.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Gate and Scottish Gorse

This is a view from the Queen Charlotte Track on the Southern Island of New Zealand. The yellow gorse is not native to New Zealand and is considered a pest. But the yellow and green bushes against the blue sky, the blue water of the Queen Charlotte Sound, and the lush green grass lets you know that at this moment all is right with your world.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I bought this tassle from Valmar La Passamaneria on Via Porta Rossa. This fabulous shop is facinating and full of old world charm. I love tassles of all kinds and it was hard just to choose 1, especially one that I could afford. I have never seen a tassle like this one before.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sunroom Table

Sunroom table
I am experimenting with the things I already have to make interesting vignette's on tables etc. to freshen up the decor. It is surprising what you you collect and  recieve as gifts as your life progresses. I am not even sure that a professional decorator would say that this all goes together - but it does make me smile.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

GOMA-Art in the first decade of 21st centuary

Unfortunately GOMA is closed because of flood damage (none thankfully to the art work) and will not be open for a few weeks. This is a sample of the delighful deck chairs that were all lined up in 3 long rows for visitors to relax in whilst looking out over the river. A great useful art installation.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

IL Papiro-Firenze

Folded book
I love this tiny book of scenes of Firenze. They came from a hole in the wall shop IL Papiro on via del Tavolini that still manufactures hand made paper in the traditional way. 3cm x 2cm in size. I couldn't resist it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Peacock Feathers

I have had Peacock Feathers in my home on and off since the early 80's. I was told that they were unlucky, but then my Indian pen pal ( an old fashioned term - we have been corresponding since 1968) told me that they bring good luck. I have decided to go with the good luck.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cloister - Mont Saint Michele

This is a very beautiful peaceful place to walk, contemplate and pray.The Abbey Mont Saint Michele is surrounded by water high, high up on a rock. On ground level and all the way up to the Abbey, the place is busy with tourists, pilgrims, cafe's, creperies etc. It is a good climb to actually reach the Abbey but worth it. The smaller garden is for individual prayer.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


After years of reading about Laduree and the famous macaroons-I finally visited. It is the macaroon version of shopping at Chanel or Dior. Magnificent surroundings and all very posh. The staff all wear white uniforms and gloves. Every purchase  is carefully packed in boxes and tied with ribbon. While being very blase French shop assistants, I must say they are patient with broken french inquiries and were polite.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pear Frangipane

This Pear Frangipane was made for dessert for my 60th Birthday dinner by my son. He prepared and cooked the entire dinner. We spent a lovely weekend in an apartment overlooking  Sunshine Beach.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I do not approve of Graffiti, but couldn't resist taking this photo. It just looked like it was definately done for fun and not to deface anything - Jewish Quarter Rome.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lunch in Rome

This fabulous looking sandwich was part of a 'coffee' stop at Rosati Caffe on the edge of Piazza del Popolo. My tuna egg and mayo sandwiches never looked this exciting.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bali Hat

I found this hat in a fishing village on Lembongan Island off the coast of Bali. It hangs on my sunroom wall and is a constant reminder of a fabulous hoilday.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Rainy Sunday

 Panzela salad
 Roast Lamb

Eggpant with harissa & honey
It rained each day on the weekend, especially on Sunday. I cooked and listened to CD's. I now have plenty of food for this week.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I love Hibiscus flowers. They make me think of summer and the beach and tropical islands. They seem such a 50's flower to me to me. Maybe because they were a popular garden plant when I was young. The big single yellow ones are particularly lovely.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Our Cats

Our cats have a lovely life. They were rescue cats from the RSPCA in May 1999.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Frangapani's are one of my favourite flowers. I look forward to seeing the tree next door flower every summer. Usually the house is filled with these blooms at this time of the year. Unfortunately because of the rain this month the trees are almost bare of flowers.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I made Gazpach for the first time for our Boxing day lunch. I have so many recipes for this soup that I have collected over the years that I decided that it was now or never. I looked at them all and decidied on one. It was fabulous and a breeze to prepare. Freezes well for travel, and later use. We had it in shot glasses for Boxing Day and then more formally with a dollop of greek yoghurt and chopped chives for New Years Eve dinner.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My new poster

This poster a Christmas Gift is going to be hung on the wall above the toilet. I just love it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I love these flowers they bloom every summer and make a wonderful display.
this year they lasted longer. Maybe the cooler weather and the rain.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My Vegtable Garden

Views of the garden in different stages

Nev plants the vegatables and I do the herbs. In the past months we have had lettuce (many varities) tomatoes, silverbeet, beetroot, beans, peas, capsicum, choko's and cucumbers. There have also been the volunteers - the odd potato, rockmelon and pumpkin. Now a passsionfruit vine has appeared from over the fence. There is always some parsley, basil, oregano, marjarom and chillies. I have just planted sage and lemon thyme. I hope after all of this rain the sage survives. As soon as the rain stops Nev will plant more lettuce etc.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fish Pond

I love this fish pond in my sun room. I always loved the idea of a pond in a garden with fish and plants. This is the next best thing.
At night I can lie in bed and watch the shadows of the fish illuminated onto the sunroom ceiling by the pond light. So soothing.

My Cushions

The inspiration for my leopard print cushion with the fringe, came from a magazine article on a very sophisticated french woman who was leaning on a cushion just like this.

It took me 2 years to find the right print - in local drapery store on Wynnum Road, and a trip to London to find the right fringe.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wonderful New Years day at the Art Gallery. I had my favourite paintings to myself. Cool calm and not busy at all.

I am looking forward to trying more recipes this year and keeping them filed properly for further use.

I hope to spend my Birthday at Byron Bay and that the weather will be fine so that I can swim in the ocean.